
Juan Fausto Garcia
Flashcards by Juan Fausto Garcia, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Fausto Garcia
Created by Juan Fausto Garcia over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Her name´s March Simpson. She´s from The U.S., from Springfield. She´s a housewife She´s thirty-four She´s married
His name´s Chapulin Colorado. He´s from Mexico, from Cancun. He's a super hero. He's thirty. He's single.
Her name´s Mafalda. She´s from Argentina. She´s a student. She's four. She´s single.
Her name´s Charlie Brown. He´s from The U.S., from Minneapolis He's a student He's seven. He´s single.
Her name´s Kenny McCormick. He´s from The U.S., from Colorado. He's a student. He's ten. He's single.
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