biologia fichas


ximena flores
Flashcards by ximena flores, updated more than 1 year ago
ximena flores
Created by ximena flores almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Vicuna The scientific name of the vicuna is Vicugna vicugna. What they eat is a lawn. The vulgar name is the same of the scientific :Vicugna Vicugna.vive in the Andean, north altiplane of Argentina, the west of Bolivia, the North-East of Chile, sectors of the Andes of Ecuador, and in the Andean heights of Peru, country that the principal population of the species possesses. The vicunas are the smallest camelids, weigh between 40 and 50 kg and have a length of 80 cm. They are wild. His color is beige or light brown reddish.
Pink dolphin The scientific name of the pink dolphin is Inia geoffrensis. They feed of fish or of mollusks and crustaceans. The vulgar name is the same of the scientific :Inia geoffrensis. The pink dolphin is one of the most intelligent animals in Peru and is on the verge of extinction. They can measure up to 2 meters and sorrow 94 kg and they measure up to 2.5 meters of length and have 98.5 kg of weight.
Chinchilla The scientific name of the chinchilla is Chinchillidae. They drink water of the dew, and eat varied food that take with his previous prehensile legs. His diet is essentially vegetarian (grass, cactus, fruits.. The vulgar name is the same of the scientific :Chinchillidae. They are from Bolivia and Peru. The wild chinchillas almost have disappeared, the domestic chinchillas inherited the characteristics of his forbears
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