

Examen global de ingles
Carrrrmen  Castro
Flashcards by Carrrrmen Castro, updated more than 1 year ago
Carrrrmen  Castro
Created by Carrrrmen Castro over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Athlete A person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.
Architect A person who desings builings.
Dentist A person who treats the diseases that affect the teeth
weekend A period from Friday evening or Saturday morning until Sunday evening.
Itinerary A planned route or journey.
The Tube The underground railway system in London.
Mistake A word, figure or answer that is not correct.
Country A nation with its own goverment.
Ability The capacity to do something.
Weather The state of the atmosphere at a place and time.
Laptop A small computer you can carry easly
Homework Scool work that a pupil is required to do at home.
Fashion A popular trend in styles of dress and ornament or manners of behaviour.
Vacuum cleaner A machine that cleans carpets etc.; by sucking dust and small particles of different surfaces.
Blender A machine for mixing things together, specially in cooking.
Drill A tool or mahine used for making holes.
Lucky charm A object kept or worn believed to have magic power and bring good luck.
Superstition An irrational believef in something, especially a belief based on magic.
Indoor Located, used or existed inside a building
Customer A person that sells goods from a shop
Theme park An amusement park whose atractions and rides are based on various themes.
Car park An area or building reserved for parking cars.
Ice rink A building or enclosure for ice-skating or roller-skating.
Noise A sound that is loud or unpleasant and causes disturbances.
Message A verbal, written or recorded communication sent by email or a mobile.
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