Translation Booklet C


Primeras 200 frases Booklet C
Flashcards by jamadoz2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jamadoz2 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Voy a subir mi nivel de ingles. I'm going to raise my English level.
?Has sumado todas las columnas? Have you added up all the columns?
Nos quedan dos todavia. We still have two left.
?Como quieres que empiece yo la carta? How do you want me to start the letter?
Esta no es una carta cualquiera. This isn't just any letter.
Esta dirigida al presidente. It's addressed to the president.
Firmalo en el reverso. Sign it on the back.
Si no hubiera sido por ti... If it hadn't been for you...
Antes de que te vayas, quiero que eches un vistazo a esto. Before you leave, I want you to take a look at this.
Tenemos suerte de estar vivos. We're lucky to be alive.
No se nos permite utilizar esos programas. We're not allowed to use those programs.
Va a haber otra reorganizacion. There's going to be another reorganisation.
Ya ha habido tres en los dos ultimos a There have already been three in the last two years.
No pueden decidirse. They can't make up their minds.
Te acostumbraras a nuestro ritmo. You'll get used to our pace.
Tenian que haber llegado hace 10 dias. They should've got (gotten) here 10 days ago.
El siempre convoca reuniones en el ultimo momento. He always calls last-minute meetings.
?Como van las cosas? How are things going?
No nos podemos quejar. We can't complain.
?Queda algo por hacer? Is there anything left to do?
Preferiria estar en la playa, ?tu no? I'd rather be at the beach, wouldn't you?
Hay muchos cabos sueltos que atar. There are a lot of loose ends to tie.
Ella ni siquiera me saludo. She didn't even say hello to me.
Solo te han contado la mitad de la historia. They've only told you half the story.
Quiero que me cuentes toda la historia, de principio a fin. I want you to tell me the whole story, from beginning to end.
?Te puedes imaginar como seria esta oficina sin Pedro? Can you imagine what this office would be like without Pedro?
Cuanto antes hables con el, mejor. The sooner you talk to him, the better.
el esta esperando que digas algo. He's waiting for you to say something.
?Que quieres que le diga? What do you me to tell him?
Dile lo que sea. Tell him anything.
Diviertete y no te metas en lios. Have a good time and don't get into trouble.
Eso es lo ultimo que yo esperaba de ti. That's the last thing I expected from you.
?Para que sirve llamarla ahora? What good does it do to call her now?
Es una perdida de tiempo. It's a waste of time.
La he dejado para siempre. I've left her for good.
Empezaron mal. They got off to a bad start.
Estas luchando por una causa perdida. You're fighting for a lost cause.
Como regla general, prefiero dejar a mi gente sola. As a general rule, I prefer to leave my people alone.
Que yo sepa, no ha habido cambios. As far as I know, there haven't been any changes.
En cuanto a mi, puedes hacer lo que quieras. As far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever you want.
En el mejor de los casos tenemos suficiente dinero para llegar a mayo. At best we have enough money to get to May.
Tuvimos la oportunidad de hablar detenidamente sobre el asunto. We had the chance to speak at length about the matter.
?Eres consciente de lo que podria ocurrir si fueras adelante con esa idea? Are you aware of what could happen if you went ahead with that idea?
Hemos tardado meses en romper el hielo. It's taken us months to break the ice.
Volveras con las manos vacias, ya veras. You'll come back empty-handed, you'll see.
Tenemos que partir de cero otra vez. We have to start from scratch again.
A la larga todo saldra bien. In the long run everything will turn out fine.
Mientras tanto quiero que hagas esto. In the meantime I want you to do this.
En nombre del presidente, quiero expresar nuestro agradecimiento por... On behalf of the president, I want to express our appreciation for...
Habia 200 personas presentes para la inauguracion. There were 200 people on hand for the inauguration.
Llegaron sanos y salvos. They arrived safe and sound.
Tarde o temprano vas a tener que hacerlo. Sooner or later you're going to have to do it.
Estas rizando el rizo. You're splitting hairs.
Naci en los a I was born in the fifties.
No han cruzado la meta todavia. They haven't crossed the finish line yet.
Vamos a forrarnos en este negocio. We're going to make a killing in this business.
Tendras que recurrir a enchufes para conseguir eso. You'll have to pull some strings to get that.
Tuve que recurrir a amenazas. I had to resort to threats.
No me gusta correr riesgos. I don't like to run risks.
?Quien dirige este cotarro? Who's running this show?
No puedo aguantar el ritmo. I can't stand the pace.
?Por que no te echas una siesta? Why don't you take a nap?
What a mess!
Siempre tienes prisa. You're always in a hurry.
Hemos tenido bastantes problemas con el nuevo sistema. We've had quite a few problems with the new system.
Aprovecha mi generosidad mientras puedas. Take advantage of my generosity while you can.
Puede que no sea tan generoso en el futuro. I may not be so generous in the future.
Es como si le conociera desde hace a It's as if I had known him for years.
En cuanto llegues al banco, llamame. As soon as you get to the bank, call me.
el es bastante mas alto de lo que pense. He's a good deal taller than I thought. (... Quite a bit taller).
Hemos sufrido una serie de contratiempos que estan retrasando la produccion. We've suffered a series of setbacks that are delaying production.
Aparte de unos problemas al principio, todo anda bien. Aside from a few problems at the beginning, everything is running well.
el es, con mucho, es mejor jugador del pais. He's by far, the best player in the country.
Quedan bastantes. There are quite a few left.
?Me puedes sumar estas cifras? Can you add up these figures for me?
Tiralo. Throw it away.
Quiero averiguar quien lo hizo. I want to find out who did it.
Cuidate. Take care of yourself.
?Estas levantado? Are you up?
Me estoy quedando atras. I'm falling behind.
Carecen de recursos naturales. They lack natural resources.
Estan obligados a importar materias primas. They're forced to import raw materials.
Los costes laborales han subido. Labour costs have risen.
No pierdas tu tiempo cumplimentando esos pedidos. Don't waste your time filling those orders.
No es probable que prorroguen el plazo. They're not likely to extend the deadline.
Sera un proceso doloroso, pero no tenemos mas remedio. It will be a painful process, but we have no other choice.
Tenemos que quitar los obstaculos que nos impidan progresar. We have to remove the obstacles that keep us from progressing.
Has hecho una evaluacion precisa de la situacion actual. You've made an accurate assessment of the current situation.
?Te importaria decirlo para que todo el mundo te pueda oir? Would you mind saying it so that everyone can hear you?
Lo traje para que tu lo usaras. I brought it so that you could use it.
El se ha marchado de la empresa para siempre. He's left the company for good.
Estoy confiado en que los acontecimientos nos daran la razon. I'm confident that events will prove us right.
Es muy arriesgado levantar el embargo. It's very risky to lift the embargo.
He encontrado un atajo que nos ahorra mucho tiempo. I've found a shortcut that saves us a lot of time.
You should've told me!
Casi nunca piden perdon por sus errores. They hardly ever apologise for their mistakes.
Tendras que pasar por un periodo de prueba de 3 meses. You'll have to go through a 3-month trial period.
Que yo sepa, las cosas marchan bien. As far as I know, things are going well.
It's a good thing!
Llegar a dominar el ingles cuesta mucho trabajo. Mastering English takes a lot of work.
La formacion es una preocupacion continua en esta compa Training is an ongoing concern in this company.
Hay bastantes pedidos nuevos. There are quite a few new orders.
Adivina quien va a convocar la reunion. Guess who's going to call the meeting.
Tengo intencion de demandarles. I intend to sue them.
Guardalo por si acaso. Keep it just in case.
Nunca sabes cuando te pueda hacer falta. You never know when you may need it.
Si bajas el precio, ganaras cuota de mercado. If you lower the price, you'll gain market share.
?Como se pronuncia esto? How do you pronounce this?
No te voy a cobrar la mano de obra. I'm not going to charge you for labour.
Esto implicara a mas gente de lo que crees. This will involve more people than you think.
Tropece con el en un quiosco. I ran into him at a news-stand.
Si pulsas ese boton, bajaremos. If you press that button, we'll go down.
?Suben Uds. o bajan? Are you going up or down?
Menos mal que tengo un cerebro grande. It's a good thing I have a big brain.
?Que tienen que ver los curas con nuestras perspectivas de futuro? What do priests have to do with our future prospects?
Demuestramelo. Prove it to me.
Si abres tu portafolios estallara la bomba. If you open your briefcase the bomb will go off.
Me temo que nuestras perdidas van a ser mayores de lo previsto. I'm afraid our losses are going to be greater than forecasted.
La impresora no imprime como se supone que debe hacerlo. The printer doesn't print like it's supposed to.
?Como se supone que debe imprimir? How is it supposed to print?
Esto nos proporcionara una oportunidad para romper el hielo. This will provide us with an opportunity to break the ice.
Deja una propina del 15 por ciento. Leave a 15 percent tip.
Por un lado me gusta. On the one hand I like it.
Pero por otro lado, nos podria crear algunos problemas. But on the other hand, it could create some problems for us.
Ella es, si duda, la mujer mas inteligente que jamas he conocido. She's without a doubt the most intelligent woman I've ever met.
Esto no esta al dia. This isn't up to date.
Tenemos que actualizar las cifras. We have to update the figures.
El restaurante estaba tan lleno que fuimos a otro. The restaurant was so crowded that we went to another, (one)
Por mucho que le hables no le vas a convencer. No matter how much you talk to him, you're not going to convince him.
Ingrese en la empresa a mediados de los sesenta. I joined the company in the mid-sixties.
Me case con ella a finales de los cincuenta. I married her in the late fifties.
Me jubile a principios de los ochenta. I retired in the early eighties.
Hasta ahora pareces tener las cosas bajo control. So far you seem to have things under control.
Es comodo tener una farmacia justo a la vuelta de la esquina. It's convenient having a pharmacy just around the corner.
El paro ha bajado 2 puntos en 3 meses. Unemployment has gone down by 2 points in 3 months.
Tenemos muy pocas cosas en comun. We have very few things in common.
Ni siquiera se como se llaman. I don't even know what their names are.
Eso va contra la politica de la empresa. That goes against company policy.
Me lesione la espalda en el accidente. I injured my back in the accident.
Quiero introducir progresivamente la nueva organizacion. I want to phase in the new organisation.
Entonces quieres descontinuar progresivamente la antigua. Then you want to phase out the old one.
No tiene sentido. It doesn't make (any) sense.
Tengo ganas de acostarme. I feel like going to bed.
Le mandaron al extranjero en cuanto supo suficiente ingles para apa They sent him abroad as soon as he knew enough English to get by.
A juzgar por tu aspecto, yo diria que estas desesperado. Judging by your appearance, I would say you're desperate.
El fin no justifica los medios. The end doesn't justify the means.
Creo que ha habido un malentendido. I think there's been a misunderstanding.
No me importan los problemas de Oriente Medio. I don't care about the problems in the Middle East.
Cuanto antes mejor. The sooner the better.
Los fines de semana para mi son sagrados. Weekends for me are sacred.
No estoy dispuesto a hacerlo. I'm not willing to do it.
Acelera el ritmo. Speed up the pace.
No hay mucha probabilidad de que eso ocurra. There's not much likelihood that that will happen.
Es un alivio saber que no tendras que pasar por esas penurias otra vez. It's a relief to know that you won't have to go through those hardships again.
Esta lista se esta haciendo dificil. This list is getting difficult.
?Crees que te lo mereces? Do you think you deserve it?
Ella vale su peso en oro. She's worth her weight in gold.
Puedes hacer caso omiso a este punto. You can disregard this point.
?Que tal te llevas con ellos? How do you get along with them?
Deberias poner un encabezamiento aparte para esta informacion. You should put a separate heading for this information.
Hay un antiguo refran que dice lo mismo. There's an old saying that says the same.
Tenemos que elaborar un presupuesto. We have to draw up a budget.
Tiene un microfono incorporado. It has a built-in microphone.
Tenemos una amplia gama de alternativas. We have a wide range of alternatives.
Nuestro negocio basico es el acero. Our core business is steel.
Voy a retirar la oferta. I'm going to withdraw the offer.
Te estas tirando un farol. You're bluffing.
Esto nos permitira lograr nuestros objetivos a un coste menor. This will enable us to achieve our objectives at a lower cost.
Esta reunion no esta llegando a ninguna parte. This meeting's getting nowhere.
?No conocerias por casualidad a un tipo llamado Harvey? You wouldn't know by any chance a guy by the name of Harvey?
La naturaleza es muy sabia. Nature is very wise.
Hablarias ingles mejor si no fueras tan timido. You would speak English better if you weren't so shy.
No te acerques al borde. No go near the edge.
No se como puedes ser tan ingenuo a veces. I don't know how you can be so naive at times.
Hemos tenido un aumento enorme en las ventas este a We've had a huge increase in sales this year.
No vale la pena. It's not worth it.
Si no le animas perderan su entusiasmo. If you don't encourage them, they'll lose their enthusiasm.
Este remedio servira por ahora. This remedy will do for the time being.
?Como va la campa How's the advertising campaign going?
Ella se nego a darle la mano. She refused to shake his hand.
Es asombroso como logras convencer a la gente de lo que sea. It's amazing how you manage to convince people about anything.
?Como puedes permitirte el lujo de perder tantos dias de trabajo? How can you afford to miss so many workdays?
Vamos a labrar nuestro futuro en base a la fuerza de nuestros vendedores. We're going to build our future on the strength of our salespeople.
No hagas caso a lo que te dije ayer. Never mind what I told you yesterday.
Lo que importa es lo que te estoy diciendo ahora. What matters is what I'm telling you now.
Es una etapa dificil de nuestro crecimiento. It's a difficult stage in our growth.
No hacemos previsiones a largo plazo. We don't make long-range forecasts.
Solo lanzamos misiles de largo alcance. We only launch long-range missiles.
Esta reunion es una perdida de tiempo. This meeting is a waste of time.
Es inutil continuar. It's pointless to go on.
Me sentia tan violento que queria esconderme. I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to hide.
Hay tiempo de sobra para todo eso. There's plenty of time for all that.
el al final cedio ante la presion. He finally gave in to the pressure.
No podia aguantar la presion. He couldn't stand the pressure.
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