Translation Booklet C-2


200-400 Preguntas Translation Booklet C
Flashcards by jamadoz2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jamadoz2 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
No estoy aqui para resolver tus problemas. I'm not here to solve your problems.
Estamos ante un gran reto. We're facing a great challenge.
Los politicos van a estropear todo. The politicians are going to ruin everything.
No te quedes atras. Don't fall behind.
No lograron avisar a la gente a tiempo. They failed to advise the people in time.
Este cuadro presenta un desglose de las ventas por regiones. This chart shows a breakdown of sales by region.
Me quedan bastantes listas para escribir. I have quite a few lists to write.
Es impresionante lo informado que esta ese tio. It's impressive how knowledgeable that guy is.
Tenemos que casar nuestros recursos con vuestras necesidades. We have to match our resources with your needs.
Ensaya tu discurso todas las veces que puedas. Rehearse your speech as many times as you can.
Ponte delante de un espejo. Stand in front of a mirror.
He venido para pedir un anticipo. I've come to ask for an advance.
Eres un pesado. You're a pain in the neck.
Este celo es muy pegajoso. This tape is very sticky.
Paso su ni He spent his childhood in an orphanage.
?Quien es el encargado aqui? Who's in charge here?
Esta es mi ultima advertencia. No te acerques a mi novia. This is my last warning. Don't go near my girlfriend.
Averigua lo que puedas. Find out what you can.
El plazo termina ma The deadline's tomorrow.
Tengo derecho a una pension. I'm entitled to a pension.
Tendras que tragar tu orgullo. You'll have to swallow your pride.
Has hecho progresos fenomenales en los 3 ultimos meses. You've made terrific progress in the last 3 months.
Fue una experiencia gratificante. It was a rewarding experience.
!Vaya follon! What a mess!
?Como me voy a sacar de este lio? How am I going to get out of this mess?
Estan conspirando para derrocar el gobierno. They're plotting to overthrow the government.
Hicieron puente. They took a long weekend.
?Cuando piensas renovar tu permiso? When do you plan to renew your permit?
El chismorreo ha alcanzado niveles insoportables. The gossip has reached unbearable levels.
Doy por sentado que sabes el desenlace. I take for granted you know the outcome.
Estas directrices fueron elaboradas por un equipo de expertos. These guidelines were drawn up by a team of experts.
He sido nombrado jefe de grupo. I've been appointed group leader.
Una agenda de bolsillo resulta util a veces. A pocket agenda comes in handy at times.
Tendras que someterte a varias pruebas. You'll have to undergo several tests.
Quiero rematar las fechas lo antes posible. I want to nail down the dates as soon as possible.
Cuanto mas nos anunciamos mas ingresos ganamos. The more we advertise the more revenue we earn.
Mientras tanto, investiga el otro asunto. In the meantime, look into the other matter.
Tendras exito si no bajas la guardia. You'll succeed if you don't lower your guard.
Este encabezamiento no es lo mas apropiado. This heading isn't the most appropriate.
El descubrimiento del atomo fue un gran avance cientifico. The discovery of the atom was a great scientific breakthrough.
Es improbable que te hagan seguir ese procedimiento. It's unlikely that they'll make you follow that procedure.
Vi a dos hombres discutiendo delante del quiosco. I saw two men arguing in front of the news-stand.
Esto solo es el comienzo. This is only the beginning.
Tropece con un antiguo amigo mio. I ran into an old friend of mine.
Hacia a I hadn't seen him for years.
Habia engordado algo. He had gained some weight.
Tienes que dar ejemplo ante la gente. You have to set an example in front of the people.
La rentabilidad es mi unica preocupacion. Profitability is my only concern.
Lo has resumido con bastante elocuencia. You've summed it up quite eloquently.
El nuevo modelo presenta unas caracteristicas completamente nuevas. The new model presents completely new features.
El consumo ha bajado. Consumption has declined.
Estas en medio. You're in the way.
Quitate de en medio. Get out of the way.
Enseguida vuelvo. No te vayas. I'll be right back. Don't go away.
Yo nunca hubiera hecho semejante cosa. I would never have done such a thing.
No me decepciones. No let me down.
Decidete. Make up your mind.
?Recibiste mi fax? Did you get my fax?
Esta entrando un fax. A fax is coming in.
Diles que lo manden de nuevo. Tell them to send it again.
?Que le pasa? What's the matter with it?
Solo la mitad superior se imprimio. Only the top half printed out.
No aguanto este calor. I can't stand this heat.
Se han hecho intentos de sobornarles. Attempts have been made to bribe them.
No han tenido exito. They haven't succeeded.
Salga del coche e identifiquese. Get out of the car and identify yourself.
Es como si estuvieramos sin gravedad. It's as if we were without gravity.
Hablas como si supieras lo que paso. You talk as though you knew what happened.
Tengo mis formas de enterarme de las cosas. I have my ways of finding out things.
Estas en una posicion envidiable. You're in an enviable position.
A mucha gente le gustaria tener lo que tu tienes. A lot of people would like to have what you have.
El perro persiguio al gato alrededor de la casa. The dog chased the cat around the house.
Seguidme y os llevare a la tierra prometida. Follow me and I'll take you to the promised land.
?Me sujetas esto un momento? Can you hold this for me for a minute?
Me gusta como firmas las cartas. I like the way you sign letters.
?Por que siempre me miras asi? Why do you always look at me like that?
Tomalo o dejalo. Take it or leave it.
Vamos a implantar una nueva politica. We're going to implement a new policy.
De ahora en adelante, todas las mujeres han de llevar faldas. From now on, all women are to wear skirts.
Le gusta causar problemas. He likes to make trouble.
Es un incordion. He's a troublemaker.
?Cuando se hara? When will it be done?
La cita esta programada para la semana que viene. The appointment is scheduled for next week.
Busco a alguien cuyas cualidades casen con nuestras necesidades. I'm looking for someone whose skills match our needs.
No te apuntes al curso si no piensas asistir. Don't sign up for the course if you don't plan to attend.
Tienes una forma curiosa de dar las gracias. You have a funny way of saying thank you.
?Sabes una cosa? Do you know something?
La rifa fue cancelada por un problema legal. The raffle was called off because of a legal problem.
Siempre acabo perdiendo todo mi dinero. I always end up losing all my money.
?Por que siempre me traes cafes tan calientes? Why do you always bring me such hot coffees?
Con ese disfraz nadie te reconocera. With that disguise nobody will recognise you.
Abre la carta y leemela. Open the letter and read it to me.
Cuanto mas duro trabajas, mas ganas. The harder you work, the more you earn.
Creo que la frase deberia ser al reves. I think the sentence should be the other way around.
Mis padres son los unicos que lo saben. My parents are the only ones who know (about it).
Si eso me pasara a mi, no se lo que haria. If that happened to me, I don't know what I'd do.
Mi unica esperanza es que se den cuenta de su error. My only hope is that they realise their mistake.
Tengo derecho a un abogado. I'm entitled to a lawyer.
Conozco mis derechos, asi como mis obligaciones. I know my rights as well as my obligations.
Lo unico que se es que no se nada. The only thing I know is that I know nothing.
No puedo dejar de pensar en ella. I can't stop thinking about her.
La tengo presente dia y noche. She's on my mind day and night.
No pueden aguantar el ritmo. They can't stand the pace.
Se estan quedando atras. They're falling behind.
Tardare una hora en alcanzarles. It will take me an hour to catch up with them.
Si conduces asi nunca les alcanzaras. If you drive like that you'll never catch up with them.
Lo hice para que tu lo vieras. I did it so that you could see it.
No habia demasiada gente. There weren't too many people.
Tienes buen aspecto. You look good.
Cambiemos de tema. Let's change the subject.
Venga, animate. Come on, cheer up.
Te veo cansado. You look tired.
Vale, tu te lo estas buscando. Okay, you're asking for it.
Buscalo en la guia telefonica. Look it up in the telephone book.
Te estoy tomando el pelo. I'm pulling your leg.
Ahora bien, ?donde estabamos? Now then, where were we?
No estamos llegando a ninguna parte. We're not getting anywhere.
A ese precio es una autentica ganga. At that price it's a real bargain.
Elevalo hasta este nivel. Raise it to this level.
Bajalo un poco. Lower it a little.
Todavia esta un poco alto. It's still a little too high.
Espero que las luces no te molesten. I hope the lights don't bother you.
No tienes ningun derecho de entrar asi. You have no right to enter like this.
En cuanto a el, puedes hacer lo que quieras. As for him, you can do whatever you want.
Es increible lo bien que hablas ruso. It's incredible how well you speak Russian.
Sobra decir que no estoy de acuerdo. It goes without saying that I don't agree.
?Como lograste convencerle? How did you manage to convince him?
Lo hice sin querer. I didn't mean to do it.
?Te das cuenta de lo que acabas de hacer? Do you realise what you've just done?
Hemos perdido contacto. We've lost touch.
Haz un deseo y apaga las velas. Make a wish and blow out the candles.
Ha habido bastantes fracasos. There have been quite a few failures.
Pero ha habido bastantes exitos tambien. But there have been quite a few successes as well.
Pero los fracasos han predominado sobre los exitos. But the failures have outweighed the successes.
El no te quiere... solo esta detras de tu dinero. He doesn't love you... he's only after your money.
Daria mi brazo derecho por tener una mujer como ella. I'd give my right arm to have a woman like her.
?De verdad crees en los fantasmas? Do you really believe in ghosts?
Dejame que te ense Let me show you the way.
Voy a usarlos contra ti. I'm going to use them against you.
?Se sabe algo? Any news?
Todavia estan intentando conseguir que funcione. They're still trying to get it to work.
?Para que estas haciendo eso? What are you doing that for?
Hay oro mas alla del horizonte. There's gold beyond the horizon.
No queda nada. There's nothing left.
Solo me quedan recuerdos. I only have memories left.
Nunca he sido tan feliz. I've never been so happy.
Nunca he sentido tanto placer. I've never felt so much pleasure.
Nunca he tenido tantos momentos felices. I've never had so many happy moments.
Nunca me lo he pasado tan maravillosamente. I've never had such a wonderful time.
Siempre he llevado una vida algo aburrida. I've always led a somewhat boring life.
Pero desde que la conoci, todo eso ha cambiado. But since I met her, all that has changed.
No puedo seguir sin ella. I can't go on without her.
Se me ha acabado la inspiracion. I've run out of inspiration.
Ya encontraras a otra persona. You'll find someone else.
Nunca encontrare a nadie como ella. I'll never find anyone like her.
Lo superaras, ya veras. You'll get over it, you'll see.
?Cuantas listas nos quedan? How many lists do we have left?
Todavia nos quedan bastantes. We still have quite a few left.
?Esperas que haga todas estas listas? Do you expect me to do all these lists?
Si no ?para que las he creado? Otherwise what did I create them for?
?No es un hobby tuyo el hacer listas? Isn't it a hobby of yours to make lists?
?Que crees que soy... un masoquista? What do you think I am... a masochist?
No, pero te gusta ejercer la mente, ?no? No, but you like to exercise your mind, don't you?
Lo unico que quiero hacer ahora es descansar. The only thing I want to do now is to rest.
Entonces echate una siesta. Them take a nap.
No seria mala idea. It wouldn't be a bad idea.
Tumbate aqui mismo en el sofa. Lie down right here on the couch.
Si empiezo a roncar, despiertame. If I start to snore, wake me up.
No quiero que la gente en la sala de espera me oiga. I don't want the people in the waiting room to hear me.
Pondre musica de fondo para que no te oigan. I'll put on background music so that they won't hear you.
Deja de morderte las u Stop biting your nails.
?Por que te muerdes las u Why do you bite your nails?
No lo puedo evitar. I can't help it.
Es uno de tus muchos vicios. It's one of your many bad habits.
Tal vez, pero a diferencia tuya, nunca he ara Maybe, but unlike you, I've never scratched anyone.
Me lo se de memoria. I know it by heart.
Tarde una hora en memorizarlo. It took me an hour to memorise it.
Los que estan a favor, que levanten la mano. All in favour raise your hand.
No puedo levantar esta caja. I can't lift this box.
Vi miles de pajaros en el cielo. I saw thousands of birds in the sky.
!No te he dicho un millon de veces que no exageres! Haven't I told you a million times not to exaggerate!
Me lo estoy pasando bomba. I'm having a blast.
A medida que se retiraban, volaban todos los puentes que cruzaban. As they retreated, they blew up every bridge they crossed.
Digamos que es solo una corazonada. Let's say it's only a hunch.
Tengo un extra I have a strange feeling.
Tienes miedo de tu propia sombra. You're afraid of your own shadow.
Me gusta sentarme en la sombra y no hacer nada. I like to sit in the shade and do nothing.
Lo puedes hacer o de esta manera o de esta otra manera. You can do it either this way or this other way.
Ambos se apuntaron al curso. They both signed up for the course.
Ninguno de los dos firmaron el acuerdo. Neither one of them signed the agreement.
Este acuerdo es vinculante. This agreement is binding.
Estoy en un aprieto. I'm in a bind.
?Me puedes encuadernar estas paginas? Can you bind these pages for me?
?Como puedes beber el cafe tan caliente? How can you drink such hot coffee?
Tengo que dejarlo enfriar. I have to let it cool.
Hay un articulo sobre ti en el periodico de hoy. There's an article about you in today's paper.
Dice que has llegado a un acuerdo secreto con el gobierno. It says you've reached a secret agreement with the government.
No te meteran en la carcel si tu no vendes tus acciones a los arabes. They won't put you in jail if you don't sell your shares to the Arabs.
!Que follon! What a mess!
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