

first call
Michelle Strzyzowski
Flashcards by Michelle Strzyzowski, updated more than 1 year ago
Michelle Strzyzowski
Created by Michelle Strzyzowski almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
country (cántchri) pais
Spain españa
spanish español
France (Frónce)uk (Frence) us Francia
French frances
Germany alemania
German aleman
Italy italia
england inglaterra
canada canadá
Switzerland Suiza
Swiss suizo
america america
american americano
scotland escocia
scottish escoses
russia rusia
russian ruso
nationality nacionalidad
specializations especializaciones
neurology neurologia
neurologist neurologo
endocrinology endocrinología
endocrinologist endocrinologo
gynecology ginecología
gynecologist ginecólogo
cardiology cardiologia
cardiologist cardiologo
pharmacology farmacología
Pharmacologist Farmacologo
Hematology hematología
Hematologist hematologo
pediatrics Pediatría
Pediatrician pediatra
obstetrics obstetricia
obstetrician obstetra
surgery cirugía
Surgeon cirujano
how do you do? (formal) cómo está usted?
pleased to meet you encantado de conocerle
let me introduce you to.... permitame presentarle a...
the same to you igualmete
let's see veamos
i want to register for... quiero apuntarme para...
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