

This is a vocabulary about relationships. Answers are in the back
Merly Cedeño
Flashcards by Merly Cedeño, updated more than 1 year ago
Merly Cedeño
Created by Merly Cedeño over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
someone who has a romantic relationship boyfriend/girlfriend
someone who is in your same class classmate
someone who is living in my house temporaly guest
someone who shares the room with me roomate
someone who i have known for a long time old friend
someone who plays sport in my same team teammate
someone who is not my friend and wants bad things for me enemy
someone i have know from the Internet online friend
soemoe special who is like my sister close friend
someone who is a family member relative
someone who has a relastionship with a friend of mine friend of a friend
someone i barely know acquiantance
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