

josue morales
Flashcards by josue morales, updated more than 1 year ago
josue morales
Created by josue morales over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
crops plantaciones
ease facilidad
use profound with profound effect influence impact image experience
am knee-deep in have more than enough
by some miracle incredibly lucky
like a master class excellent training
of very few words not speaking very much
put at ease make people feel comfortable
small talk light conversation
top-notch first class
tuition enseñanza
housing vivienda
assess evaluar
hooked enganchado
major magazine revista muy importante
farming communities agricultores
warmth cordialida , calidez
hailstorm granizada
thus asi que , de ese modo, de modo que
rubber raft balsa
poisonous substances created by an organism toxins
very small organism that can cause disease bacteria
parts and process of the body taht fight illness inmune system
carried into our body by the things we eat foodbone
endure resistir, soportar
outbreak brote, comienzo
compelling razones de peso, convincente
recall retornar un producto
nationwide a nivel nacional
flock rebaño, ovejas aves o cabras
undergone sufrido
feasible factible,viable
necessary because the law or someone in authority says you must compulsory
ear mazorca
traits rasgos
tens of thousands decenas de miles
moth polilla
slip error, pasar
malnourished desnutrido
diminish disminuir
notwithstanding a pesar de, no obstante
skeptic esceptico
pests pestes
spiky punteagudo
confined espacio pequeño
tiny part of a living thing that controls it growth and development gens
a medical condition that is not normal but also ot a disease syndrome
isolate solo
seniors ancianos, adulto mayor
inherited heredado
norm norma
longevity longevidad
tickle acariciar, hacer cosquillas
industrious trabajador , laborioso
slaughter sacrificar, matar
calf becerro
handkerchief pañuelo
pour servir
glare luz, deslumbradora
forbids prohibir
discourage oponerse, desalentar
consumption consumo
relieve disipar, aliviar
wheat trigo
lifespan esperanza de vida
surpass superar, sobrepasar
barefoot descalzo
scenic pintoresco
roughly aproximadamente, mas o menos
sweep barrer, agitar la mano
hardship privacion, apuro, miseria
lean pobre,
disability discapacidad, minusvalia
dementia serious illness of the mind
relief alivio
to reduce the amount or supply of something depleted(agotado)
kick in to begin to take effect
treadmil an excersice machine
to help to increase, improve , or be more successful boost
having to do with the way the body works physically physiological
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