Cancer review


Cytopathology Flashcards on Cancer review, created by lumen7 on 20/05/2013.
Flashcards by lumen7, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lumen7 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
malignant neoplasms - microscopic poor resemblance to tissue of origin. variable size and shape of cells. numerous and often abnormal mitoses. invasion of blood and lymphatic vessels, perineural space, supporting structures. may be sometimes be dysplasia in adjacent tissue
cytological features malignancy cellular pleomorphism. nuclear pleomorphism. nuclear hyperchromatism. prominent nucleoli. abnormal mitoses
spread of malignancies local. lymphatic. vascular. perineural. trans-coelomic; peritoneal or pleural
histological assessment type grade and staging
histological grade differentiation, pleomorphism, mitotic index
tumour staging size of tumour, invasion, metastasis
TNM staging tumour, nodes, mets
neoplasia: new growth 1. cell proliferation in the absence of a continuing external stimulus .
6 hallmarks of cancer 1. evading apoptosis. 2. sustained angiogenesis. 3. tissue invasion/mets. 4. limitless replicative potential. 5. self sufficiency in growth signals. 6. insensitivity to anti growth signals
benign lesions   slow growing. well prescribed and local. do not invade
malignant lesions fast growing and invasive
malignant neoplasms - clinical signs rapid growth. frequently ulcerate. frequently haemorrhage. frequently metastasise.
malignant neoplasms - macroscopic irregular tumour edge – infiltrating growth. cut surface appears variegated due to necrosis and/or haemorrhage within tumour. adjacent structures or draining lymph nodes may be obviously involved
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