Edexcel GCSE PE Revision


Flashcards on Edexcel GCSE PE Revision, created by jolo.hubbard on 12/06/2014.
Flashcards by jolo.hubbard, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jolo.hubbard almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the reasons for participating in Physical Education? 1. helps the individual feel good 2. enhances body shape making you feel good 3. good health and enjoyment of life 4. relieves stress and tension 5. develops friendships
What are the benefits of sporting clubs and associations? 1. co-operation 2. competition 3. physical challenge 4. aesthetic appreciation
What influences you on taking part? 1. people 2. cultural factors 3. socio-economic factors 4. resources 5. image
What are socio-economic factors? socio economic factors consist of: cost and the perceived status of activity
What are some cultural factors? age, disability, gender, race
what are the 3 main ways to stay involved in physical activity? 1. Leadership 2. Officiating 3. Volunteering
what qualities do you need to be involved in leadership? you need to be: confident, good communication skills, knowledge, decisive, well-planned, passion
what does the sports participation pyramid look like?
Explain Foundation level... and give an example This is the base of the pyramid, and it includes the learning of basic skills to provide the base for personal development. an example would be a primary school PE lesson.
define health... state of complete mental, physical and social well-being
define fitness... the ability to meet the demands of the environment
What are the Health Related Components of Physical Education? 1. cardiovascular fitness 2. flexibility 3. body composition 4. strength 5. muscular endurance
What are the skill related components of fitness? 1. reaction time 2. agility 3. balance 4. speed 5. co-ordination 6. power
What is a PARQ and what does it stand for? Personal Activity Readiness Questionnaire this is to assess if you are ready to start an exercise plan.
what does the sit and reach test , test? flexibility
what does the 30m sprint assess? speed
explain the rest and recovery method? rest is the period of time set aside for your body to recover. recovery is the time required for the body to repair damage caused during competition
explain reversibility.... the body will increase in strength, tone and skill with exercise but it could lose it without exercise. after injury or illness you could lose your strength and skill.
what is the F.I.T.T principle? F = frequency - how often exercise is done I = intensity - difficultness of exercise T = time - the duration of exercise T = type - what kind of exercise you do
What does SMART stand for in terms of goal setting? S = specific - knowing what the goal is M = measurable - know when goal is achieved A = achievable - to be able to reach it R = realistic - needs to be able to be done T = timebound - needs to have end point
Explain Aerobic activity... - with oxygen - lower intensity - endurance activities
Explain Anaerobic activity... - without oxygen - higher intensity - short distance
How do you calculate maximum heart rate? 220 - (your age)
How do you calculate Lower training threshold? 60% of maximum heart rate
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