bones and muscles by romario restrepo


learn the main muscles and bones
Romario Alberto Restrepo Lince
Flashcards by Romario Alberto Restrepo Lince, updated more than 1 year ago
Romario Alberto Restrepo Lince
Created by Romario Alberto Restrepo Lince almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Abdominals (abdominales)
adductors (aductores)
Biceps (Biceps)
Gluteus (gluteos)
Hamstrings (isquiotibiales)
Masseter (masetero)
Pectorals (pectorales)
Quadriceps (cuadriceps)
sternocleidmastoid (esternocleidomastoideo)
Triceps (triceps)
Clavicle (clavicula)
Coccyx (coxis)
Cranium, skull (cranio)
Femur (Femur)
Fibula (perone)
Humerus (Humero)
Patella, kneecap (Rotula)
Pelvis (pelvis)
Radius (radio)
Ribs (Costillas)
Sternum, brest bone (esternon)
Ulna (Cubito)
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