Schizophrenia- Researchers and their research (A2)


AS level Psychology (Researchers and their research) Flashcards on Schizophrenia- Researchers and their research (A2), created by Grace Fawcitt on 10/12/2017.
Grace Fawcitt
Flashcards by Grace Fawcitt, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Fawcitt
Created by Grace Fawcitt almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Researcher Research Area, Findings, and Conclusions
Cheniaux et al. 2009 Inter-rater reliability Comparison of two psychologists who had to independently diagnose 100 patients P1- DSM: 26, ICD: 44 P2- DSM: 13, ICD: 24
Cheniaux et al. 2009 Criterion validity Comparison of two psychologists who had to independently diagnose 100 patients with the DSM and ICD Diagnosed nearly half as many with the DSM as with the ICD Diagnostic systems don't reach same conclusions
Buckley Co-morbidity Depression: 50% Substanceabuse: 47% PTSD: 29% OCD: 23%
Longenecker Gender Bias Men more likely to be diagnosed, however this may be because women are under-diagnosed as they can function better and don't display symptoms as obviously. This questions the validity of the diagnosis systems
Gottesman Concordance rates 47% in MZ twins 17% in DZ twins 6% in siblings 1% in population Suggests some genetic basis, but not sole cause
Ripke 2014 Candidate genes Meta-analysis which found 108 gene combinations linked to schizophrenia, with some coding for dopamine
Curran et al. 2004 Role of dopamine agonists Found people who took amphetamines produced schizophrenic positive symptoms, like delusions Supports role of hyperdopaminergia
Tauscher 2014 Role of dopamine antagonists Found positive schizophrenic symptoms in people who took anti-psychotics were reduced Supports the role of hyperdopaminergia
Ripke 2014 Role of glutamate Found that genes associated with schizophrenia sometimes coded for glutamate, not dopamine. This means that the dopamine hypothesis is not the sole cause of schizophrenia
Jukel Neural correlates and negative symptoms Found low levels of activity in the ventral striatum of schizophrenic patients. The lower the activity, the severer the symptoms
Fromm-Reichmann 1948 Schizophrenogenic mother Interviewed schizophrenic patients, many of which reported cold and dominant mothers. Suggested a schizophrenogenic mother caused secrecy, conflict and paranoia, hence causing the onset of schizophrenia
Bateson 1972 Double bind theory Faulty communication in families caused patients to develop strategies to avoid the double bind situation, leading to symptoms like the flat effect, social withdrawal and avolition
Berger 1965 Supporting evidence for the double bind theory Found schizophrenic patients reported higher levels of double bind situations than non-schizophrenic patients
Liem 1974 Opposing evidence for double bind Communication styles in families with and without a schizophrenic family member was the same. The double bind theory cannot be the sole cause of schizophrenia
Kavanagh 1992 Negative expressed emotion Relapse rates in patients who returned to high levels of NEE was 48%, while those who returned to low levels of NEE was 21%
Stirling Lack of central control Schizophrenics took twice as long to do the Stroop test
Thornley 2003 Typical drug therapy effectiveness Compared effects of chlorpromazine to a placebo and found the drug to improve functioning, reduce relapse rates, and reduce symptom severity
Meltzer 2012 Atypical drug therapy effectiveness Clozapine effectively cured 30-50% of treatment resistant patients
NICE CBT effectiveness CBT was more effective than drug therapy, improving functioning, reducing relapse rates and decreasing severity of symptoms
Jauhar 2014 CBT effectiveness CBT only had small therapeutic effect, and the effect disappeared if the researcher didn't know which patients underwent CBT. This suggests CBT isn't that effective
Pharoah 2010 Family therapy Found it increased compliance to medication and decreased relapse rates
Azran and Ayllan 1968 Token economies Found women who did token economy systems exhibited the desired behaviours, hence indicating token economies were effective
Meehl Diathesis-stress model Created the original diathesis-stress model for schizophrenia, including the schizogene and schizotypic personality, and the stress as a trigger
Houston 2008 Diathesis-stress model Suggested vulnerability was childhood sexual trauma, and trigger was smoking cannabis
Tienari Diathesis-stress model Children with schizophrenic biological mothers and adoptive mothers who exhibited NEEs were most likely to develop schizophrenia. Combination of genes and external factor to cause onset.
Tarrier Interactionist treatment Compared CBT+drugs, counselling+drugs, and just drugs, and found the combinations to be more effective
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