Unit 1.4 Networks


Flashcards on Unit 1.4 Networks, created by Karolina Rawdanowicz on 22/01/2018.
Karolina Rawdanowicz
Flashcards by Karolina Rawdanowicz, updated more than 1 year ago
Karolina Rawdanowicz
Created by Karolina Rawdanowicz over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Router Connects to the internet and manages information. Access to two or more devices. A list of IP addresses and paths for packets to take.
Bandwidth Amount and speed of data you can send down a line at once. Anything to do with performance relates to bandwidth.
Packets Breaks files up, anything sent across a network is sent in packets. 1. IP address of the receiver and sender 2. pieces of META data 3.Sequence number 4.Packet life duration
Transmission Routers keep packets moving and take the cheapest available path, if there's traffic ahead it will take another path. When packets get to the receiver they get put back into order because the sequence might get messed up because packets are sent separately.
IP address Change everyday for security to prevent hacking. Only some devices such as WAP, printers and servers have constant IP addresses.
Switch Sends network signals and allows communication between networks and in a LAN. Can handle up to 64 points at once. Fastest switches are Gigabit
Hubs Were replaced by switches because they do the same thing and switches can handle more than one point at once but hubs can only do one.
Network Interface Card (NIC) Allows you to go online and use the internet, built into a device. Contains a MAC address and allows an Ethernet cable to be plugged in.
MAC address Physical hardware address, never changes.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Manages sending and receiving of packets. If everything is fine, it will send a message to your computer but if something is missing or corrupt, it will send a message to the sender so they can resend it.
Fault tolerance redundancy Removes problems
Transmission Media Wireless, Ethernet, Fibre optic, co axial
Wireless Access Points (WAP) Allows devices to connect to the internet wirelessly through bluetooth or network protocols. Bluetooth is slow and doesn't work at a bigger distance.
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