Human Biology Test 1


Chapters 1,3,4,5
Mikaela Staples
Flashcards by Mikaela Staples, updated more than 1 year ago
Mikaela Staples
Created by Mikaela Staples over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Chapter 1: science enquiry Scientific method:
Quantitative Data numbers- measurement
Qualitative Data words- observation
Features of graphs 1. Title 2. Lable x and y 3. Arrows at end of axes
Evidence Data which is judged to be relevant.
Secondary evidence Data collected by someone else.
Variables Any factor that may change during an experiment.
Independent variable X- Changed or controlled to test effects on dependent variable (y)
Dependent variable y- Tested and measured
Controlled variables Variables being kept the same for both the control and the experimental groups in an experiment.
Replication Having a identical number of experiments running together or performing the experiment on a large number of subjects at the same time.
Validity vs. Reliability Validity: - reliable and relevant - must be no uncontrolled variables Reliability: - same results each time - equipment constant - Improve: repetition and replication tests this
Errors and reducing them Any deviation from teh result that should have been obtained. Reduce: repetition
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