AQA Physics Paper 1 Revision Flashcards


Flashcards on AQA Physics Paper 1 Revision Flashcards, created by Catherine Gannon on 05/03/2018.
Catherine Gannon
Flashcards by Catherine Gannon, updated more than 1 year ago
Catherine Gannon
Created by Catherine Gannon over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Give me the equation for efficiency Efficiency = Useful output energy transfer ÷ Total input energy transfer
Give the word equation for potential difference Potential difference = Current x Resistance
Give the symbol equation for potential difference V = A x Ω 
What does an Ammeter do? Measures the current in Amps flowing through the test wire
What does a Voltmeter do? Measures across the TEST wire in volts
Describe J.J Thomson's Plum Pudding Model Thomson thought atoms were spheres of positive charge with negative electrons stuck in it- like a plum pudding
Describe the experiment that leads to the Nuclear model of the atom -Scientists fired alpha particles at gold foil -They expected the alpha particles to go straight through the sheet -Some particles deflected, means the nucleus must have a positive charge -Most alpha particles went through, meaning the nucleus is mostly empty space
What is the half-life? The amount of time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei in an isotope to halve
What does a short half life mean? The source is dangerous and emits a large amount of radiation at the start, but quickly becomes safe
What does a long half-life mean? Source releases small amounts of radiation over a long period of time
What is a vector? A quantity that has direction AND magnitude
Name FIVE vector quantities Force, velocity, displacement, acceleration and momentum
Name FIVE scalar quantities Speed, distance, mass, temperature and time
How do you calculate Weight? Weight = Mass x Gravitational Field Strength
What is a moment? The turning effect of a force
What is the equation for the size of the moment? Moment = Force x Distance
What is the equation for pressure? Pressure = Force/Area of surface
What's the equation for pressure at a DEPTH? Pressure = Height of liquid container x Gravitational field strength x density
When will an object float? If it's weight is equal to the upthrust
What is the equation for acceleration? Acceleration = Change in velocity/Time
What is the equation for CONSTANT acceleration? Final velocity^2 - Initial velocity ^2 = 2 x acceleration x distance
What is the equation for stopping distance? Stopping distance = Thinking Distance + Breaking Distance (Stop, Break and Think)
Give me the equation for momentum momentum = mass x velocity
Describe a transverse wave Oscillations are perpendicular (90 degrees) to the direction of energy transfer
Name three transverse waves EM waves, ripples and waves in water, wave on a string
Describe longitudinal waves Parallel oscillations to the direction of energy transfer
Name two longitudinal waves -Sound waves, ultrasound -Seismic waves
How do you calculate wavespeed? Wave speed = Frequency x Wavelength
What is a specular reflection? When a wave is reflected in a single direction
What is a diffuse reflection? When a wave is reflected on a rough surface and the waves are scattered in different directions
Name the EM spectrum from the largest wavelengths to the smallest Radio Waves, Micro Waves, Infra Red, Visible Light, UV, X- Rays, Gamma Rays (Raging Martians Invade Venus Using X-ray Guns)
What are radio waves used for? Communication in long-wave radio and Bluetooth
Give two uses of microwaves Satellites in space and microwave ovens
What can infrared be used for? To increase or monitor temperature
What is a perfect black body? An object that absorbs all of the radiation that hits it
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