Coding Instructions


OCR Computing (Paper 1) Flashcards on Coding Instructions, created by Megan Aldington on 26/04/2018.
Megan Aldington
Flashcards by Megan Aldington, updated more than 1 year ago
Megan Aldington
Created by Megan Aldington over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Coding Instructions Paper 1
The '+' or '-' in an equation is called an (a)_______ and it performs on two (b)_______. In the same way, computers use these in assembly and machine code. (a) operator (b) operands
The operator defines what process will be happening: What are they? (a) 00000: SUB (b) 00001: ADD (c) 00010: MOV (d) 00011: DEC (e) 00100: INC (f) 00101: MOV
The registers are defined by binary numbers too: What are they? (a) 000: A (b) 001: B (c) 010: C (d) 011: D
But what does each process mean? Can you give an example? 00000 XXX YYYYYYYY: SUBtract value in YYYYYYYY from register XXX 00000 010 00101001, SUBtract the value 00101001 [41] from register C: SUB C, 41
00001 XXX YYYYYYYY: ADD value in YYYYYYYY to register XXX 00001 001 00001111, ADD the value 00001111 [15] to register B: ADD B, 15 00010 XXX YYYYYYYY: MOVe value YYYYYYYY into register XXX 00010 011 10000000, MOVe value 10000000 [128] into register D: MOV D, 128
00011 XXX: DECrement [subtract 1 from the] value in register XXX 00011 011, DECrement 1 from register D: DEC D 00100 XXX: INCrement [add 1 to the] value in register XXX 00100 010, INCrement 1 to register C: INC C
000101 XXX YYYYYYYY: MOVe value in memory address YYYYYYYY into register XXX 00101 000 10000000, MOVe value in memory address 00001000 [8] to register A: MOV A, [8] *Just be able to identify the command against the 5-digit binary code!*
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