Online Communities


ICT-BTEC (Online) Flashcards on Online Communities, created by dominicbroadbent on 06/10/2014.
Flashcards by dominicbroadbent, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dominicbroadbent almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Online Communities - Contemporary Social Media People form groups called online communities., They provide a place for people with similar interests to come together and exchange views. If they keep in frequent conservatin theya re called a network of friends. Virtual Communities exist also. e.g. SecondLife, Twinity and Habbo.
Online Communities - Netiquette Communicating online requires a special behaviour or etiquette, known as netiquette . This is a set of rules designed to prevent abusive behaviour online. If a user breaks
Online Communities - Information Exchange - Blogging Web logs are frequently updated online journals which allow people to give an opinion/express their thoughts and input their daily activities. Microblogging sites such as twitter are an example of a site that allows users to provide very short text entries related to anything they like.
Online Communities - Information Exchange - Podcasts Podcasts are a series of audio or video files that can be downloaded from the internet. If a video is published in episodes like a blog, then this process is known as a vlog (video blogging). e.g. Youtube
Online Communities - Information Exchange - VLE A school community may use a virtual learning environment. The system can contain learning materials, tests, projects, lectures/lessons and allow interaction between teachers and learners. The system also tracks learners’ progress. Learners can communicate using microphones and speakers, or by text exchanges. At other times learners can be left to work at their own pace to meet specified deadlines.
Online Communities - Information Exchange - Social Networks Social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter™, LinkedIn, Google+ and MySpace, allow members of the online community to interact and communicate by setting up a profile. Users can then add links to friends’ profiles and post personal information, including photographs, videos, favourite music and blog entries.
Online Communities - Information Exchange - Wikis These websites provide information to users that can be edited and extended by the users themselves. They allow users to exhange information and are extremely useful for research. The biggest example of a online wiki is WIkipedia.
Online Communities - Information Exchange - Chatrooms Chatrooms are an example of an online community where hundreds of people can talk at one time.
Online Communities - The Implications - Social Networks Social networking websites allow people to communicate interactively in real time anywhere in the world. This is low cost (broadband) and allows you take keep up to date with friends or business contacts. however hate messaging, bullying and grooming is a problem.
Online Communities - The Implications - Instant Messaging Chatrooms allow communication in real time, from anywhere in the world and at low cost. It is difficult to get across meaning with text and misinterpretation can occur. Viruses can be spread by instant messaging.
Online Communities - The Implications - VOIP Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allows people to interact in real time using voice and/or video messaging. Skype is an example. You can contact anyone instantly at the cost of a broadband connection. This is used in business for conferences. This reduces travel costs, travel time and the cost of hiring a venue while increasing productivity as less time is wasted. VoIP service is dependent on the quality and reliability of your broadband service and may not work if there is a power cut. Voices can sometimes be distorted or there may be long pauses between questions and answers. Identity theft, viruses, spamming and phishing are all potential threats.
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