Chapter 3, NT Survey


Chapter 3, NT Survey
Julie Gholston
Flashcards by Julie Gholston, updated more than 1 year ago
Julie Gholston
Created by Julie Gholston over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. Who was most likely author of John’s Gospel? Explain. John, the beloved disciple of Jesus, is the likely author. The early church fathersidentified him as such.
2. How does the date of John’s Gospel compare with the dates of the Synoptics and Acts? It was probably written at least twenty years after the others.
3. What is one explanation for John’s omission of many things covered in the Synoptics? John may have been familiar with the Synoptics and thus avoided repeating what two or three witnesses had already attested to. Furthermore, he may have intentionally supplemented and reworked them in places.
4. Why did John choose to highlight seven signs? To emphasize the deity of Christ.
5. Define the word believe. To accept as true or real. Belief is shown by aligning one's self with Jesus through obedience.
6. What is life in John, and how do we get it? Jesus is life. We receive life by believing in and receiving Him.
7. Since a person’s reception and belief in Jesus is a life or death matter, how concerned should we be with presenting an accurate and effective witness of who He is? Answers will vary but should stress the vital importance of a true and accurate witness.
8. Summarize the three main characteristics of John found in the introduction. The main Person is the Word. The main words are life, light, darkness, witness, believe, and truth. The main action is conflict.
9. Give four examples of contrast in John’s Gospel. 1. Light and darkness 2. Jesus friend to those who receive Him and walk in the light, but judge and enemy to those who refuse Him and remain in darkness 3. Physical birth and spiritual birth 4. Grace and law 5. The cross (death) and resurrection (life)
10. Identify the seven signs in John, and explain the spiritual truth linked to each sign. following cards
10.1 Changing water into wine Revealed his glory (showed He was God in flesh. It inspired His disciples to believe in Him.
10.2 Healing the official's son Those who reject Jesus miss God's blessings, but those who welcome Him receive good things.
10.3 Healing the man at the pool Jesus is equal with God in nature, power and authority
10.4 Feeding the five thousand people I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
10.5 Walking on water Jesus has power over circumstances. When He is with us, we have nothing to fear.
10.6 Healing the blind man I am the light of the world...For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.
10.7 Raising Lazarus from the dead I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.
11. Explain the error of the multitude following Jesus. They erred by coming to Him primarily for physical bread and earthly blessings. They missed the spiritual focus of His works and teachings.
12. Jesus healed a blind man and taught about spiritual blindness (John 9:1–41). Consider the relationship that must always exist between spiritual sight and humility. Evaluate your own life in relation to this truth. He is the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness. (His ways are not our ways. We must decrease so He can increase. We don't see clearly. He is the Revealor.)
13. Re-create the “I am” list from memory. 1. the bread of life 2. the light of the world 3. the gate 4. the good shepherd 5. the resurrection and the life 6. the way and the truth and the life 7. I am the true vine
14. What lessons about believing can be learned from Andrew, Peter, and Nicodemus? Andrew - We should share our belief with others. Peter - Jesus changes those who believe Nicodemus: Believing is linked with being born again.
15. Reflect on at least three ways your ministry is dependent on the work of the Holy Spirit. Answers will vary but should include such ideas as teaching, empowering to witness and guiding into all truth.
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