Asthma management


6.3 2018
Averil Tam
Flashcards by Averil Tam, updated more than 1 year ago
Averil Tam
Created by Averil Tam about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. TRUE/FALSE? a) The current recommendation is that every child with asthma should have an asthma action plan. True. The current national recommendations are that every child with the diagnosis of asthma should have an updated asthma action plan.
1. TRUE/FALSE? b) Asthma action plans can guide parents on how to manage asthma in acute asthma episodes and in between attacks. True. Asthma action plans can guide parents to both acute and interval management of asthma.
1. TRUE/FALSE? c) Asthma action plans should also be given to schools, childcare and sporting organisations. True. Encourage parents to give a copy of the asthma action plan to schools, childcare and sporting organisations. Schools, childcare and sporting organisations should always be informed when they should seek further medical advice.
1. TRUE/FALSE? d) In paediatric asthma management the doses of inhaled steroids should be doubled in acute asthma episodes. False. The current guidelines for Australia do not recommend doubling the dose of inhaled steroids in an acute asthma episode.
1. TRUE/FALSE? e) Every asthma action plan requires oral steroids to be included as a part of acute asthma management. False. The asthma action plan should be individualised to the child and what acute management parents are willing to undertake at home to if feel confident in giving oral corticosteroids or not in the event of worsening asthma flare up.
2. TRUE/FALSE? a) There is evidence that the use of paediatric asthma action plans improve adherence to acute and interval therapies. True
2. TRUE/FALSE? b) There is evidence that the use of paediatric asthma action plans reduce GP and ED visits. True. There is also evidence that it reduces hospital admissions.
2. TRUE/FALSE? c) There is evidence that the use of paediatric asthma action plans does not improve self-efficacy. False. There is evidence that asthma action plan can improve self-efficacy in both children and adults with asthma. Pay attention to detail when educating primary school children and adolescents in the self-management of acute and interval symptoms of asthma. This is vital for continuing adherence.
2. TRUE/FALSE? d) Review of asthma action plan is optional. False. Review of asthma action plan at least once every 12 months and or any changes in acute and interval management. It is not optional.
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