ARCH Study Guide


Flashcards on ARCH Study Guide , created by laudan hosseini on 22/10/2018.
laudan hosseini
Flashcards by laudan hosseini, updated more than 1 year ago
laudan hosseini
Created by laudan hosseini almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Human figure divided into 22 units on a grid
- Francesco di Giorgio Martini - Trattato di Architettura, Ingegneria e Arte Militare - 1482
- Sebastian Serlio - The Five Orders on Architecture - 1537
- Cesare di Lorenzo Cesariano - translation of De Architecture in Italian - 1521
- The Golden Section
- Villard de Honnecourt - page from his notebook - 1235
- Claude Perrault - Ordonnance for the Five Columns After the Methods of the Ancients - 1692
- Andreas Vesalius - De humani corporis fabrica libri septem - 1543
- Claude Perrault - Les dix livres d'architecture di Vitruve - 1673
- ??
- Le Corbusier - Towards an Architecture (Notre Dame) - 1923
- Le Corbusier - Towards an Architecture (Capitol in Rome) - 1923
- Le Corbusier - The Modulor - 1951
- Le Corbusier - The Modulor - 1951
- Le Corbusier - Unité d'Habitation (Marseilles, France) - 1951
- Le Corbusier - Towards an Architecture -1923 - left: House of Ozenfant - right: private mansion in Auteuil
- Charles Eames - Leg Splint - 1943
- Le Corbusier - The Modulor - 1951
- Egyptian sculptor's drawings
- Le Corbusier - Unité d'Habitation (Marseilles, France) - 1951
- Charles and Ray Eames - Power of Ten - 1968
- "Yu Ji Tu", China - 1137
- Jefferson's Grid, Nevada - Thomas Jefferson
- "Metes and Bounds", VA
- Charles L'Enfant - Plan for Washington DC - 1792
- James Oglethorpe - Plan for Savannah, GA - 1734
- Frank Lloyd Wright - Broadacre City Model -1935
- Mies van der Rohe - German Pavilion, Barcelona International Exposition - 1929
- Mies Van der Rohe - German Pavilion, Barcelona International Exposition - 1929
- Frank Lloyd Wright - Broadacre City - 1935
- "The mapp of ye improved..." - Grid plan for Philadelphia, PA - 1687
- Pierre Larousse - The Human Circulation System - 1869
- Robert Kerr - The Gentleman's House - 1870
- Freese - "Dimensions of the Human Figure" - 1941
- Vanbrugh - 'First Proposal' plan of ground floor, Castle Howard, North Yorkshire - 1700
- Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky - Frankfurt Kitchen - 1920
- Christine Frederick - Scientific Management in the Home
- Reyner Banham - Architecture of the Well Tempered Environment - Plan of the Octogon - 1970
- Christine Frederick - Scientific Management in the Home
- Bruno Taut - Ein Wohnhaus - 1927
- Bruno Taut - Ein Wohnhaus; "a residential house" - 1927
- Alexander Klein - 'Functional House for Frictionless Living" - 1934
- Renzo Piano; Ove Arup - Centre Pompidou - 1970
- Cedric Price - Fun Palace (plan for Joan Littlewood) - 1960
- Renzo Piano; Ove Arup - Centre Pompidou - 1970
- Reyner Banham - A Home is not a House - 1965
- Renzo Piano; Ove Arup - Centre Pompidou - 1970
- Cedric Price - Fun Palace for Joan Littlewood - 1960
- Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky - Frankfurt Kitchen - 1920
- Renzo Piano; Ove Arup - Centre Pompidou - 1970
- Renzo Piano; Ove Arup - Centre Pompidou -1970
- Mies van der Rohe - German Pavilion, Barcelona International Exposition - 1929
- Mies van der Rohe - German Pavilion, Barcelona International Exposition - 1929
- Mies van der Rohe - Lakeshore Drive Apartments - 1950
- Peter Eisenman - House III - 1970
- Mies van der Rohe - Lakeshore Drive Apartments - 1950
- William Le Barron Jenny - Fair-Store - 1890
- Peter Eisenman - House III - 1970
- Mies van der Rohe - Lakeshore Drive Apartments - 1950
- Left: William Le Barron Jenny - Second Letter Building - 1890 - Right: Louis Sullivan - Chicago - 1900
- Mondrian - Left: Composition 1A - Right: Composition 2 - 1930; 1922
- Rietveld - Schröder House - 1924
- Theo van Doesburg - Contra- Construction Project, Axonometric - 1923
- Rietveld - Schröder House - 1924
- Theo van Doesburg - Cinébal Cafe - 1928
- Albrecht Durer - Draughtsman drawing a nude - 1525
- Peter Eisenman - House III - 1970
- Hendrick Hondius - Instruction en la science de Perspective - 1625
- Peter Eisenman - House III - 1970
- Theo van Doesburg - Cinébal Cafe - 1928
- Mondrian - Lozenge with Grey Lines - 1918
- Left: Casper David Friedrich - Right window of the artist's studio - 1800 - Right: Odilon Redon - The Day - 1890
- Daniel Burnham - Flatiron Building - 1900
- Left: Elisha Otis - The Hoisting Apparatus - 1850 - Right: The 1909 Theorem
- OMA - Boxers Eating Oysters - 1975
- Leonardo da Vinci - Draughtsman using a transparent plane to draw an armillary sphere - 1510
- Starrett and Van Vleck - Downtown Athletic Club - 1930
- Alberti - The Perspective System - 1435
- OMA - Hotel Sphinx - 1975
- OMA - City of the Captive Globe - 1975
- Left: Manahttan, 1879 - Right: Manhattan, 1930
- Commissioner's proposal for Manhattan Grid - 1810
- Left: Northwest Ordinance - Right: "The Seven Ranges" - Both 1785
- Louis Kahn - Traffic Study Project (Philadelphia, PA) - 1950
- Leonardo da Vinci - Vitruvian man - 1480
- Hyacinthe Rigaud - Portrait of Louis XIV - 1700
- The Sun King motif - door medallion
- The Sun King as a motif - dance costume
- The Louvre, Paris
- Versailles, France
- Charles le Brun; Louis le Vau - Vaux le Vicomte - 1660
- Charles le Brun; Louis le Vau - Vaux le Vicomte - 1660
- Plan of Vaux le Vicomte - 1660
- Plan of Versailles - includes chateau, administrative offices, garden, and town - 1720
- Chateau at Versailles - 1650
- Louis le Vau - L'Enveloppe - 1670
- Chambre de Roi - 1700
- Louis le Vau - expansion of Versailles to include town and administrative offices - 1670
- Versailles, the fête - 1670
- The Marly Machine - 1685
- The Great Aqueduct of Maintenon - 1685
- The Hall of Mirrors
- Gian Lorenzo Bernini - bust of Louis XIV - 1665
- Tatlin - Monument to the Third International - 1920s (Left = 1920; Right = 1925)
- Tatlin and others building model of monument to Third International - 1920
- The Monument to the Third International being circulated through streets of Leningrad - 1925
- Albert Speer - Nuremberg Rallies and "Cathedral of Light" - 1935
- B M Iofan - Palace of the Soviets - 1935
- "The Palace of the Soviets, The Greatest Building in the World" -1940
- Albert Speer - showing model of Welthaupstadt Germania to Adolf Hitler - 1937
- Left: Albert Speer - Volkshalle for Germania - 1937 - Right: Panini - Roman Pantheon - 18th century
- OMA; Ove Arup - CCTV Headquarters - 2000 - design development stages
- OMA; Ove Arup - CCTV Headquarters - 2000 - China's Central TV station
- OMA; Ove Arup - CCTV Headquarters - 2000
- OMA; Ove Arup - CCTV Headquarters - 2000
- OMA; Ove Arup - CCTV Headquarters - 2000
- Nike China x CCTV - 2008 - projections during Olympics
- Robert François Damiens before his judges - 18th century
- Jeremy Bentham - A General Idea of a Penitentiary Panopticon - 1790
- Ferrante Imperato - Dell' Historia Naturale - 1600
- Jean Lubin Vauzelle - the Museum of French Monuments in the chapel of the Little Augustins convent - 1795
- Pietro Antonio Martini - Exposition at the Louvre - 1780
- The Zoological Gallery in the British Museum - 1845
- The Crystal Palace at the Great Exposition - 1851
- Newhall (photographer) - view of exhibition "Cubism and Abstract Art" at the MoMa - 1935
- photo of Leonardo da Vinci's, Mona Lisa
- Galen (quote is Polyclitus) - Placita Hippocratis et Platonis - 5th century BC
- Vitruvius - Ten Books on Architecture
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