Four Regions of Texas


Flashcards on Four Regions of Texas , created by ciburnett on 02/11/2014.
Flashcards by ciburnett, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ciburnett over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cities located in which region Houston Dallas Corpus Christi Galveston Gulf Plains
Cities located in which region Amarillo Lubbock Great Plains
City located in Which region Fort Worth Central Plains
Located in which region El Paso Mountains and Basins
Which region has the following description? lush landscape hot/humid lots of water Gulf Plains
In which region do people use the resources for the following? oil shipping trading Gulf Plains
In which region do people use the resources for the following? Ranching Farming Oil & Gas Great Plains
Which region has the following physical characteristics? Palo Duro Canyon Flat and hilly Dry Aquifers Great Plains
Which region has the following physical characteristics? Hot Dry Mountains Mountains and Basins
Which region has the following physical characteristics? Flat moderate climate Central Plains
Which region uses its resources for this purpose? Tourism Mountains and Basins
Which region uses it's resources for the following? Farming & Ranching Central Plains
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