

Paramedics (CSB335) Flashcards on Seizures, created by Amelia Tuffley on 11/11/2018.
Amelia Tuffley
Flashcards by Amelia Tuffley, updated more than 1 year ago
Amelia Tuffley
Created by Amelia Tuffley almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Causes of unconsciousness A - alcohol, arrhythmia E - epilepsy, electrolytes I - insulin O - oxygen, overdose U - uremia T - trauma, tumour, thermal I - infection P - psychiatric, perfusion S - stroke, seizure, chock
Epilepsy definition The tendency to have seizures A lowered seizure threshold
Causes of epilepsy Metabolic disorders Genetics Cerebral tumours Birth trauma Stroke Head injuries Intracranial haemorrhage Intracranial infection Hypoxia Low glucose Drugs and alcohol
Seizure definition A sudden, uncontrolled electrical discharge in group of neurons causing: Strange sensations Strong emotions Convulsions and spasms Uncharacteristic behaviour Impact on thought processes Loss of consciousness
Types of focal seizures (3) - Motor, negative, atonic, weakness - Motor, positive, jerks, twitching - Non-motor -- somatosensory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, auditory, autonomic, psychic, automatisms
List the kinds of automatisms (7) Oro-alimentary - chewing, lip smacking, drooling Mimicry - laughter, fear, anger Gestural - fiddling with hands, tapping, patting, rubbing, undressing Ambulatory - walking, circling, running Verbal - meaningless sounds, humming, grunting, whistling Responsive - quasi-purposeful behaviour, seemingly responsive to stimuli Violent behaviour - likely if restrained
List the types of generalised seizures (8) Tonic clonic Absence - typical Absence - atypical Absence - special features Clonic Tonic Atonic Myoclonic
Describe tonic clonic sezires ♣ 1-3 mins ♣ Loss of consciousness ♣ Body becomes stiff – tonic ♣ Jerking occurs – clonic ♣ May bite tongue, produce excess saliva, lose control of bladder ♣ Headache, deep sleep and confusion
Describe absence - typical seizures • Pause in activity with blank stare • Occur frequently • 5-10 secs • Rapid eye blinking/eye deviation • Triggered by hyperventilation
Describe absence - atypical seizures • Begin and end gradually • >10 secs • Not triggered by hyperventilation • Eye blinking/movements of lips • Refractory epilepsy
Describe absence - special features seizures • Myoclonic absence • Eyelid myoclonic
Describe clonic seizures Bilateral rhythmic jerking of arms and legs Rare
Describe tonic seizures Drop attack Stiffening of body without jerking
Describe atonic seizures Drop attack Sudden loss of muscle strength and pt falls forward recovers quickly with risk of injury to face and head May need to wear helmet
Describe myoclonic seizures ♣ Jerking movements of body, mostly head and upper limbs ♣ Linked to sleep patterns
Levels of consciousness in seizures • Full awareness – auras • Dialeptic – loss of awareness • Dyscognitive – confused behaviour • Unconscious
Stages of seizures 1. Pre-ictal behaviour 2. Ictal behaviour 3. Post-ictal behaviour a. Pt is susceptible to recurring seizures b. Need to relax, with oxygen c. Walking, movement, rubbing or stimulation may make them seize again
Anticonvulsant medication aims Achieve seizure control without major side effects May take time Often patients will stop taking it after long periods without seizures so need to consider compliance
Most common side effects of anti seizure meds o Sedation, lethargy o Cognitive slowing, depression o Memory disturbance o Aggression, irritability
Factors affecting seizure threshold Sleep deprivation Trauma Hyperventilation Emotion Hydrations Fever Alcohol/drugs Hormones Illness Photosensitivity
When to call an ambulance for a seizure • They have any doubts or it is part of a management plan • A seizure lasts more than 5 minutes or a second one comes quickly • The seizure occurs in water • The person is pregnant, has diabetes or is injured • It is the person’s first seizure
Status epilepticus definition • Prolonged, continuous or repeated seizures with or without complete recovery of consciousness • A seizure lasting > 5 minutes (impending status) • Seizures that are more frequent than every 20 minutes apart with or without recovery (clustering)
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) • No obvious cause in post mortem other than the seizure • Those at risk may include: • Uncontrolled seizures • Generalised seizures during sleep • Non-compliant • Frequent or sudden medication changes
Differential diagnosis of seizures Anoxic/ischaemic events - breath holding, vasovagal syncope, reflex anoxic seizures, cardiac Sleep related phenomena Drugs/alcohol Behavioural events Psychiatric events Hyperekplexia Metabolic - kalaemia, calcaemia
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