
Flashcards on Untitled, created by JessicaDiaper on 13/11/2014.
Flashcards by JessicaDiaper, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JessicaDiaper over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is this image called? A motherboard
What does ROM stand for, and what is it used for? ROM stands for Read Only Memory, it is non-volatile which means when you turn off the monitor, the data is kept.
What does RAM stand for, and what is it? RAM stands for Read-Access Memory. The RAM is volatile which means that when the computer is turned off, the data is lost.
What is this image, and why does a monitor need one? This image is a picture of a graphic card. A graphic card is used A Graphics card is used to display better pictures and overall performance to the pc. They help games look and play better and give better resolution.
What is this called, and what is it for? This image is a sound card, In order to be able to listen to your music, a video card converts digital data to analogue sound waves you can actually hear.
What is this image? What does does it stand for? This is the CPU, a CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
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