700 Idioms 5


common idioms
David Y
Flashcards by David Y, updated more than 1 year ago
David Y
Created by David Y about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
I'll mend your pants if you will babysit. It will be a EXCHANGE OF BENEFITS. The two armies agreed to EXCHANGE their prisoners. There is a possibility of being able to EXCHANGE information for a reduced sentence. a trade-off The trade off isn 't so bad when you think about it. That sounds like a pretty good trade off to me.
She was sitting quietly, but he interrupted her and broke HER LINE OF REASONING The telephone rang and interrupted my LINE OF REASONING. When the phone rang, it derailed my LINE OF REASONING—I totally forget what I was talking about! a train of thought = the way in which someone reaches a conclusion; a line of reasoning. "I failed to follow his train of thought" Please don't interrupt my train of thought when I'm writing. I cannot seem to follow your train of thought on this matter. Will you explain it a little more carefully, please?
He had a pristine, restored, 1930's Packard, truly a beautiful ___________. a vintage car
The wind whistled over the barn roof, spinning the ________ around and around. a weather vane
The vacation was a _______________ from months of hard work. It was a cold winter, so the warm weather made a PLEASANT change. After working there for twenty years, a change was more PLEASANT than ever. a welcome change = a pleasant or long-awaited change welcome sight", "welcome relief", "welcome addition", "welcome news", "welcome surprise"
He left work a_____________. He has been gone about fifteen minutes. a while ago /a short while ago
Your donation to our cause will make a GREAT IMPACT/ DIFFERENCE in a child's life. There's GREAT DIFFERENCE between liking someone and loving them. A short note of encouragement would make a GREAT DIFFERENCE right now. a world of difference = During these golden years of instruction, parents can make a world of difference by staying engaged and supportive. A little sympathy makes a world of difference to someone who's been badly treated.
He is __________ from the army. the men have gone _______ The guitarist went ____ in the middle of the recording. (ABSENT W/T PERMISSION) Two computers have gone _____ from the office. /ˈeɪˌwɔl/ absent/absence without leave /AWOL The troops went AWOL to express their complaints about the camp
He had just gotten off his bike, when SUDDENLY, he collapsed. SUDDENLY, the car veered off the road. He sprang out of the room SUDDENLY. all of a sudden
So you knew ahead of time, [all along,] [in advance,] but you won't admit it. IS THAT RIGHT? Am I right?
Their personal finances are nothing short of an DISASTER. They are flat broke all the time. an economic disaster
I gave him the project to work on, and he started right away. He's a real AN ALERT AND ENERGETIC PERSON Mike is AN ALERT AND ENERGETIC PERSON but he is not very organized. an eager beaver = an alert and energetic person. He seems never to know what tiredness is, and he's really an eager beaver.
She took the pie to the sick man on an MISSION TO HELP He quickly set out on his MISSION TO HELP . I am, in fact, here on a MISSION TO (HELP) to aid my brother. an errand of mercy = a mission carried out to help someone in difficulty.
Sales took right off and the company's products became a QUICK SUCCESS . Contrary to expectations, the film was a QUICK SUCCESS Published in 1974, Pursuit was a QUICK SUCCESS and was subsequently translated into thirteen foreign languages. an instant success The Mickey Mouse watches were an instant success.
He was caught red-handed. There were plenty of credible witnesses. It was an EASILY DECIDED/ SOLVED The prosecution behaved as if they had an EASILY DECIDED/ SOLVED case. If the police get their hands on the notes and the weapons they'll have an EASILY DECIDED/ SOLVED case for the murder each member confessed to an open and shut case = easily decided or solved because the facts are very clear. Young detectives, if not the older ones, prefer cases that are not open-and-shut.
The job ad promised the successful applicant THE UPWARD PROGRESSION OF ONE'S CAREER/ a chance for a promotion. an opportunity for advancement = the upward progression of one's career = MOVE UP AT WORK
You say your girlfriend is very beautiful? Now isn't that a FAIR OPINION / EVALUATION! Every effort is made to obtain a FAIR OPINION / EVALUATION! an unbiased opinion
The news report was based on information from an PRIVATE SOURCE. an undisclosed source /ˌəndisˈklōzd/ = NOT REVEALED / NOT PUBLIC RELIABLE SOURCE
The father told his adult son, that IN HIS OPINION, he could do anything he wanted. He trusted him IN MY OPINION/ VIEW, I don't feel safe in this neighborhood anymore. Grandma doesn't care if you bring your boyfriend to Thanksgiving dinner. IN HER VIEW/ OPION, the more, the merrier! as far as something /someone is concerned As far as Aunt Elaine is concerned, we still need to get a Christmas gift for her. (REGARDING ...) As far as dinner is concerned, it's been pushed to 8:00, so no need to rush. (REGARDING ...)
We are finished here, so you are free to go WHENEVER YOU WANT TO. at any (given) time This means "at any particular time". For example: "At any given time, millions of people are using the Internet." This means that at any specific time we wish to choose, millions of people are using the Internet.
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