humanities revision


Dean Marinkovich
Flashcards by Dean Marinkovich, updated more than 1 year ago
Dean Marinkovich
Created by Dean Marinkovich about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Actus Reus A physical act – the actus Reus, which means committing the crime.
Mens Rea A mental act – the mens rea, which means a guilty mind
Plaintiff the party that initiates or commences a civil action against another party
indictable offence a serious offence heard before a judge and jury
amendment a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation
Criminal law refers to the group of laws that have been put in place to protect us from harm.
Nuisance a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance.
Trespass is when you go somewhere that is not allowed of is owned by a private organisation
Negligence failure to take proper care over something
Slander the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation
Libel is another form of slander
Murder vs manslaughter the difference between the two is that if you commit manslaughter you only show actus rea witch is only actually doing the crime if you are charged with murder when you commit both actus rea and mens reus
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