Special Words


mr hat
Sierra Loucks
Flashcards by Sierra Loucks, updated more than 1 year ago
Sierra Loucks
Created by Sierra Loucks almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
brusque Rudely abrupt or blunt in speech or manner
Lollygag To spend time in an aimless or lazy way
Trypophobia An aversion to the sight of irregular patterns i.e. clusters of small holes and bumps
petrichor a pleasant smell after an intense first rain after hot weather
quell suppress or crush something completely
circumlocution the use of unnecessary wordiness
sanguinary involving or causing much bloodshed
biblioklept someone who has an addiction to stealing books
idiosyncratic peculiar or individual
squiffed drunk
masticate to chew
efette lacking strength or courage
egregious terrible in a way unseen
imperious domineering
approbation approval, usually formally received and given
chicanery artful deception
zeal great energy or enthusiasm
galvanizing stimulating, exciting
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