
Flashcards on Untitled, created by Brandon Curiel on 16/02/2015.
Brandon Curiel
Flashcards by Brandon Curiel, updated more than 1 year ago
Brandon Curiel
Created by Brandon Curiel over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Typical Horror Movie Conventions n
There are many conventions of horror movies that make it very clear of the genre which it fits into. For example: - the setting - the sound - the lighting - the mise-en-scene n
Setting: Horror movies often have a distinct look due to the setting that they take place in. this can be anywhere from an old abandoned house to a dark eerie woodland. no matter what the location, you can usually tell that it is a horror movie. n
This links into mise-en-scene because the location can be anywhere but its the things that make up the shot that give away the genre. Usually in horror movies, they have dark effects added in post production to give an eerie feel to the movie. These usually remain throughout to give continuity unless there is a need to change it, such as in a flashback. n
Mise-en-scene: Mise-en-scene plays a big role in the conventions of genres. The elements that make up the shot from the lighting to the camera angles to the props involved in that scene, they all play a big part in the construction of a shot. n
Props: The props in a scene play a vital role in conventions, this is because horror movies are very versatile and can be set in any type of location. If the scene is shot in a location that could possibly portray another genre, then props are crucial to give you an idea of the type of movie. n
for example: A horror movie may be set in an abandoned street with little around, however this could be portrayed as an adventure or action movie, so if props such as bodies or blood or paranormal related objects were seen then the audience would understand the genre. n
Lighting: Often horror movies use low key lighting and add a dark tinge in after effects, these give the audience a feeling of mystery as well as fear and anxiousness. This usually makes a horror movie very identifiable and plays a big role in conventions. n
Sound: Sound also is a big factor of conventions of horror movies. Horror movies often use echoed sound to portray a sense insecurity and add a feeling of fear as this makes the audience feel more a part of whats going on in the movie n
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