Language Arts 9: Literary Terms to Know


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Riley Babuik
Flashcards by Riley Babuik, updated more than 1 year ago
Riley Babuik
Created by Riley Babuik over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Allegory Characters are symbols that represent ideas
Allusion A brief reference to something outside of the story
Alliteration The repetition of sounds in a sentence
Repetition Important words/phrases that are repeated for emphasis
Rhetorical Question A question asked without expecting an answer
Antagonist The villain of the story
Aside A short stage whisper
Dramatic Irony The audience knows something that the characters do not
Flashback Going back into the past to clarify something
Foils Characters who are opposite
Foreshadowing Giving clues as to what's happening in the future
Hyperbole Extreme exaggeration
Imagery Using words to create an image in your mind
Metaphor Comparing two things directly
Narrator Person who tells the story
Paradox Contradicting in meaning
Personification Giving non-human things human characteristics
Plot What happens in the story
Point of View How we obtain information from the story (first person, third person)
Protagonist Central character
Satire A formal use of irony
Simile Comparing two things using "like" or "as"
Situational Irony When there is a difference between what it expected and what actually happens
Stanza Division(paragraph) in a poem
Theme Message or insight into the reader's life
Thesis One sentence that summarizes a paragraph or story
Tone Author's attitude to the story
Understatement Making less of something than it deserves
Verbal Irony To say something but have a different meaning (sarcasm)
Flat Character Character who is stereo-typed, not fleshed out
Round Character A complex character with many sides
Setting Time, place and atmosphere
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