22. It’s easier to recognize information than recall it


Summary of Chapter 22 in COMMENTS.
Kathie Connelly
Flashcards by Kathie Connelly, updated more than 1 year ago
Kathie Connelly
Created by Kathie Connelly over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When you memorized a list of words and later wrote them down is called ________. Recall task.
When you are shown a list of words or walked into an office and asked which items were on the list its called ___________. Recognition task.
In recalling a part of a memory, what is an intrusion error? In a recall portion of a memory task, these are errors that occur when the subject includes items that were not on the original list called intrusion errors.
When children under the age of five were shown a list of items to memorize they make fewer errors of inclusion than adults because of? Their schemata are not well formed.
It’s easier to ________ information than recall it. Recognize.
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