French school vocabulary


This card deck will help anyone who is in need to learn some basic french. This deck will show you vocabulary that you can use in your classroom (desk, computer, book ect.) HAVE FUN!
Sanford Farley
Flashcards by Sanford Farley, updated more than 1 year ago
Sanford Farley
Created by Sanford Farley about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A workbook Un cahier
A computer Un ordinateur
A chair Une chaise
Windows Des fenêtres
Scissors Des ciseaux
Eraser Une gomme
The desk (student) Un pupitre
A door Une porte
A book (for reading) Un livre
A pencil Un crayon
A pen Un stylo
A ruler Une règle
Garbage Un panier
The desk (teacher) Un bureau
A board for writing on Un tableau
Highlighter Le surligneur
Pencil case La trousse
Back pack Le sac à dos
Pencil crayons Les crayons de couleur
Felts Les feutres
Binder Le classeur
Paper La feuille
Stapler L'agrafeuse
Hole puncher La perforatrice
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