Skybreaker Vocabulary


Flashcards on Skybreaker Vocabulary , created by joshbutala on 12/03/2015.
Flashcards by joshbutala, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joshbutala over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Wily Marked by skill in deception;crafty
Sumptuous Rich and superior in quality ;meant to be enjoyed
Derision Extreme contempt/ mocking and discrediting someone
Silhouette Dark shadow or outline
Brigand Armed thief usually a member of a band
Presumptuous Excessively forward or bold, to take for granted
Disreputable lacking respectability in character or appearance or behavior
Penchant a strong liking
Impeccable without fault or error
Brazen unrestricted, shocking behavior against rules and expectations
PRISTINE Immaculately clean and unused
QUIP A witty remark: I started out with nothing...I still have most of it.
APPRISE Make aware of
VENTURE Risky undertaking; dangerous Verb- I ventured out into the snow. Noun- Buying the store was a risky venture.
VENERABLE Admired or respected because of age or accomplishments
LUPINE relating to wolves
INTREPID bold/ brave constantly persevering
Pique to anger or arouse curiosity
VIGOR Energy, strength of mind and body
TORPOR mental and bodily fatigue; mental and physical inactivity
USURP seize and take control by force, not asking permission
LITHE graceful, flexible, agile
Pugnacious Ready for a fight, aggressive
Haughty Showing arrogant superiority
Sentimental Overly dramatic and emotional Sentimentality=noun
Imperious Supremely powerful in an oppressive way
Adamant stubbornly refuse to change your mind about something,
Compelling attractive, or irresistible, or really, really convincing
Pulchritudinous Person of breathtaking,
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