Breast Extra Credit Slides


GNMD 6024 Lasku Quiz on Breast Pathology
Amanda Nguyen
Flashcards by Amanda Nguyen, updated more than 1 year ago
Amanda Nguyen
Created by Amanda Nguyen over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fat Necrosis localized, firm area with scarring that can mimic a breast carcinoma
Fibrocystic Changes cystically dilated ducts, sclerosing adenosis & stromal fibrosis. small areas of microcalcification
Atypical ductal epithelial hyperplasia 5x increased risk for breast carcinoma
Fibroadenoma composed of fibroblastic stroma & elongated compressed ducts. Breast connective tissue forming a "capsule" to this mass. the neoplasm is lined by benign appearing epithelium
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma the center is very firm (scirrhous) & white because of the desmoplasia
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma "Indian file" strands of infiltrating lobular carcinoma
Paget Disease of the Nipple PAS strain demostrates mucin within the Paget's cells. This is evidence for their origin from an underlying ductal carcinoma
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