French Essay Writing Vocab


Sentence starters for French essays
Gianna Chibesa
Flashcards by Gianna Chibesa, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by caitlindavies8 over 9 years ago
Gianna Chibesa
Copied by Gianna Chibesa over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Tout d'abord First of all
D'une part...d'autre part On one hand...on the other hand
Par contre On the contrary
Bien que Although that (+subjunctive)
Pour que In order that (+subjunctive)
Pourvu que Provided that (+subjunctive)
Néanmoins Nevertheless
Il est donc question de It is, therefore, a question of...
Il paraît donc évident que It appears, therefore, clear that...
Quant à As for.../Regarding...
Au niveau (international) At the (international) level
Il faut se rappeler que... It is necessary to remember that...
Il est certain que It is certain that...
L'important, c'est The important thing is
Il ne faut pas oublier que You must not forget that
En conclusion In conclusion
Tout bien considéré All things considered
En fin de compte At the end of the day
Ce que je dis, en fait, c'est What I am saying, in fact, is...
En+present participle Whilst...
Après avoir After having
Je viens de+ infinitive I have just/ recently
Il faut mieux It is better to
Si l'on considère If you consider
Soit...soit Either...or Neither...nor
Supposé que Supposing that
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