Yr 10 Drama Terms


Terms used in Year 10 Drama
Lachlan Hogben
Flashcards by Lachlan Hogben, updated more than 1 year ago
Lachlan Hogben
Created by Lachlan Hogben over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bump In Move everything into the theatre/performance space. Set is placed where it needs to be. Props are set on the props table. Costumes are moved to the appropriate dressing rooms. Make-up is set, ready to be applied. Lights are rigged and programmed. Sound is programmed
Tech Run Go through all technical cues (such as sound and light) so everyone knows the order and timing of the entire
Bump Out Move everything out of the theatre/performance space. This is packing up.
Justification Unpacking your acting, direction and design choices in a way that proves you’ve thought them through and they are the best choice for your interpretation. It will link your choice to the meanings and contexts of the play.
Theatrical Interpretation Making creative and imaginative choices for different production roles when given an excerpt from a script. This covers one or all of the three stages of the production process.
Language Can be verbal (lines of dialogue) or non-verbal (actions and body language).
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