CVP & Breakeven


Sophia Lynch
Flashcards by Sophia Lynch, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia Lynch
Created by Sophia Lynch over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
At the breakeven point how much profit do we make? 0 profit.
Sales = what at breakeven? Sales = All Costs at breakeven
CM = what at breakeven? CM = FC at breakeven Contribution Margin = Fixed Costs
All Costs = ... Total FC + Total VC
What is the breakeven point? How many sales we need to generate to cover our costs.
What is breakeven in units? FC/UCM Fixed Costs/Unit Contribution Margin
UCM = SP - VC/Unit
What is breakeven in $? (FC/UCM) x SP
What is breakeven + desired level of profit in units? (FC + Profit)/UCM
What is breakeven + desired level of profit in $? (FC + Profit/UCM) x SP
Whether it is a manufacturing cost or not... STILL INCLUDE it in CVP analysis.
Always round up for units in what? Break-even
What is operating leverage? The mix of FC & VC within the cost structure.
Having higher fixed costs means... There is a higher operating leverage hence there is more risk within the cost structure.
Why is a high operating leverage risky? Because a higher FC results in a higher CM hence you need to sell more product to ensure you reach BE + profit.
What is a margin of safety? The excess above breakeven based on current operations.
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