Working with data - what is needed for common tasks


This quiz is to get the learners thinking about what data that they commonly need for any project and so has a series of examples that they can get the idea of what is required before they start.
tony thompson
Flashcards by tony thompson, updated more than 1 year ago
tony thompson
Created by tony thompson about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What sort of information do you need for common tasks? We need different information to complete projects
CV personal details - certificate - dates - hobbies
Company report company overview - names -performance - logos - images - date
newsletter pictures - stories - logos - fonts - pricing - advertising - date
book story - cover pictures - review notes - author details
poster pictures - stories - logos - fonts - pricing - branding
company presentation company overview - names -performance - logos - images
match report story - pictures - interview - date
flyer pictures - text - pricing - offers - contact details - logos - date
brochure pictures - text - pricing - offers - contact details - logos - date
newspaper headlines - pictures - advertising - stories - pricing - date
magazine headlines - pictures - advertising - stories - pricing-date
banner text - pictures - logos - branding
end of year college report name - results - tutor opinions - comments - logos -branding-date
recipe card recipe - pictures - fonts - branding
bus timetable times - branding - logos - contact details -date
concert ticket dates- times- price- detail - logo - branding-pictures
receipt items - costs - contact - branding - logo - date
restaurant menu items - costs - contact - branding - logo - date
instruction book contents - instructions - date - product detail - pictures
bank statement name - address - account detail - transaction history - logos - branding
cereal box labelling - product information - nutritional information -pictures - text
warning sign colours- message - icons
medical record name - address - medical history - contacts - NHS number
trainers branding - logo - pictures - fonts - sizing - material description
driving license name - address - driving history - license number - dates - vehicles
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