L2 - How the courts "decide the law" (or, how to read a case)


LAWS101 (Case Analysis) Flashcards on L2 - How the courts "decide the law" (or, how to read a case), created by Sophia Lynch on 15/07/2020.
Sophia Lynch
Flashcards by Sophia Lynch, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia Lynch
Created by Sophia Lynch almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 2 societal purposes of law? 1. Resolve issues in an unpredictable and final way 2. Remain flexible enough to respond to future developments
like cases should be decided... alike.
What does 'ratio decidendi' mean? 'Reason for the decision' Reason of the case.
What does 'obiter dicta' mean? 'By the way' Obiter of the case.
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