English Poetry Key Words


Year 7 English Flashcards on English Poetry Key Words, created by Lynne Weber on 22/07/2020.
Lynne Weber
Flashcards by Lynne Weber, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Oliviax about 9 years ago
Lynne Weber
Copied by Lynne Weber almost 4 years ago

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Question Answer
Adjective A word that describes something
Autobiographical Describing something that happened in a poet's life.
Caesura A pause in a line
Consonants All the letters in the alphabet that aren't vowels
Contrast When two things are described in a way which emphasises how different they are. E.g a poet might contrast two different people or two different places.
Dialect A variation of language. People from different places might use different words or sentence constructions.
Emotive Something that makes you feel a particular emotion
Empathy When someone feels like the understand what someone else is experiencing and how they feel about it.
End-Stopping Finishing a line of poetry with the end of a phrase or sentence
Enjambment When a sentence runs over from one line or stanza to the next
First Person When someone writes about themselves, or a group which includes them., using words like 'I' and 'my'.
Form They type of poem and it's features
Free Verse Poetry that doesn't rhyme or have a regular rhythm
Iambic Pentameter Poetry with a metre or ten syllables - five of them stressed and five unstressed. The stressed falls on every second syllable
Iambic Tetrameter Like iambic pentameter but with a metre of eight syllables - four stressed and four unstressed.
Imagery Language that creates a picture in your mind. It includes metaphors and similes.
Internal Rhythm When a word in the middle of a line rhymes with the last word of the line.
Irony When words are used in a sarcastic or comic way to imply the opposite of what they normally mean. It can also mean when there is a big difference between what people expect and what actually happens.
Language The choice or words used. Different kinds of language have different effects
Layout The way a piece of poetry is visually presented to the reader E.g line length, whether the poem is broken into different stanza's, whether lines create some visual pattern.
Metaphor A way of describing something by saying that it is something else, to create a vivid image.
Metre The arrangement of syllables to create rhythm in a line of poetry
Monologue One person speaking for a long period of time
Mood The feel or atmosphere of a poem
Narrative Writing that tells a story
Narrator The voice speaking the words that you're reading
Oxymoron A phrase which appears to contradict itself because the words have meanings that don't seem to fit together
Persona A fictional character or identity adopted by a poet. Poets often create a persona so they can describe different things from a different person's point of view.
Personification A special kind of metaphor where you write about something as if it's a person with thoughts and feelings
Rhyme Scheme A pattern of rhyming words in a poem
Rhyming Couplet A pair of rhyming lines that are next to each other
Rhythm A pattern of sounds created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables,
Sibilance Repetition of the 's' and 'sh' sounds
Simile A way of describing something by comparing it to something else, usually by using words such as 'like' or 'as'
Sonnet A form of poetry with 14 lines, usually following a clear rhyme pattern. There are many types of sonnets. They're often about love.
Stanza A group of lines in a poem. Stanza's can also be called verses.
Structure The order and arrangement of ideas and events in a piece of writing
Syllable A single unit of sound within a word
Symbolism When object stands for something else. E.g a candle might represent hope, or a dying flower could represent the end of a relationship.
Theme An idea or topic that's important in a piece of writing
Tone The mood or feelings suggested by the way the narrator writes
Voice The personality narrating the poem. Poems are usually written either using a poet's voice, as if they're speaking to you directly, or the voice of a character.
Vowels A, E, I, O, U
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