The Collector


Quotes of the novel The collector, part I
Sofia Mirande
Flashcards by Sofia Mirande, updated more than 1 year ago
Sofia Mirande
Created by Sofia Mirande about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1 "I remember a night we went out and had supper at a posh restaurant. It was on a list the pools people gave us. It was good food, we ate it but I didn’t hardly taste it because of the way people looked at us and the way the slimy foreign waiters and everybody treated us, and how everything in the room seemed to look down at us because we weren’t brought up their way."
2 “ 1)The air is so stuffy. It must be flu. I felt so rotten I said nothing. No energy to say my hate. The bed 's damp. My chest hurts.” 2) “I also thought as if I had killed her, but she died after all. a doctor probably could have done little good, in my opinion. it was far too gone.”
3 "After, she was telling me what a bad thing I did and how I ought to try and realize it more. I can only say that evening I was very happy, as I said, and it was more like I had done something very daring, like climbing Everest or doing something in enemy territory. My feelings were very happy because my intentions were of the best. It was what she never understood. To sum up, that night was the best thing I ever did in my life (bar winning the pools in the first place)."
4 “ She isn't as pretty as Miranda, of course, in fact she is only “I mean she had the same size and the same way of walking as Miranda. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
5 1) -“He said, what do you mean by promiscuity? - I said going to bed for pleasure. Sex and nothing else. Without love. - He Said. I’m very promiscuous then. I never go to bed with people I love. I did once”. 2) “Women have mostly brought me unhappiness. The most have been brought by the relationships that were supposed to be pure and noble. There, he pointed to a photo of his two sons, that’s the fine fruit of a noble relationship.”
6 1) “I had a feeling of the most peculiar closeness to him - not love or attraction or sympathy in any way. but linked destiny. Like being shipwrecked on an island - a raft - together. In every way not wanting to be together. But together.” 2) “I’m a moral person. I am not ashamed of being moral.I will not let Caliban make me inmoral; even though he deserves all my hatred and bitterness and an axe in his head.”
7 1) “I marked in my observation diary, at first with an X and then when I knew her name with an M.” “Seeing her always made me feel like I was catching a rarity…..A Pale Clouded Yellow, for instance.” “ I remember the very first time I saw her, I knew she was the only one” 2) “What she never understood was that with me it was having. having her was enough. nothing needed doing. I just wanted to have her, and safe at last.”
8 "She often went on about how she hated class distinction, but she never took me in. It’s the way people speak that gives them away, not what they say. You only had to see her dainty ways to see how she was brought up. She wasn’t ladi- da, like many, but it was there all the same. You could see it when she got sarcastic and impatient with me because I couldn’t explain myself or I did things wrong. Stop thinking about class, she’d say. Like a rich man telling a poor man to stop thinking about money. There was always class between us."
9 1) "I never let her have a radio or television. It happened one day before ever she came I was reading a book called _Secrets of the Gestapo_ — all about the tortures and so on they had to do in the war, and how one of the first things to put up with if you were a prisoner was the not knowing what was going on outside the prison. 2) “I think what I miss most is fresh light. I can’t live without light. “I’m so far from everything. From normality. From light. From what I want to be.”
10 "She looked at them, she didn’t say anything. They’re not much, I said. I haven’t been doing it long. “They’re dead,” She gave me a funny look sideways. “Not these particularly. All photos. When you draw something it lives and when you photograph it it dies.” It’s like a record, I said. “Yes. All dry and dead.”
11 1) "As I said, I never had any nasty desire to take advantage of the situation, I was always perfectly respectful towards her (until she did what she did) 2) “It was terrible, it made me feel sick and trembling. I wished I was on the other side of the world. It was worse than with the prostitute; I didn’t respect her, but with Miranda I knew I couldn’t stand the shame.”
12 "She had moods that changed so quick that I often got left behind. She liked to get me stumbling after her (as she said one day — poor Caliban, always stumbling after Miranda, she said), sometimes she would call me Caliban, sometimes Ferdinand. Sometimes she would be nasty and cutting."
13 D.M. Kidnapped by madman. F. Clegg. Clerk from Annexe who won pool. Prisoner in cellar lonely timbered cottage date outside 1621 hilly country two hours London. So far safe. Frightened. M.
14 “A strange thought: I would not want this not to have happened, Because if I escape I shall be completely different and I think a better person. Because if I don’t escape, if something dreadful happened, I shall still know that person I was and would have stayed if this hadn’t happened was not the person I now I want to be.”
15 1) “I don’t know if I believe in God.” “But praying makes things easier.” 2) "God is impotent. He can’t love us. He hates us because he can’t love us.” 3) “I don’t know if I believe in God.” “But praying makes things easier.”
16 " -Then why can’t it be me? -“Because I can’t marry a man to whom I don’t feel I belong in all ways. My mind must be his, my heart must be his, my body must be his. Just as I must feel he belongs to me.” I belong to you. “But you don’t! Belonging’s two things. One who gives and one who accepts what’s given. You don’t belong to me because I can’t accept you. I can’t give you anything back."
17 1)"What she never understood was that with me it was having. Having her was enough. Nothing needed doing. I just wanted to have her, and safe at last." 2) “I know what I am to him. a butterfly he has always wanted to catch. I remember GP saying that collectors were the worst animals of all…...They are anti-life, anti-art, anti-everything”
18 1) “Even if he came to the point, he didn't stop, I’d take the risk.” “The more I think about it, the more I feel sure this is the way.” 2) “It was terrible, it made me feel sick and trembling. I wished I was on the other side of the world. It was worse than with the prostitute; I didn’t respect her, but with Miranda I knew I couldn’t stand the shame.”
19 "That’s the idea, I said. Not obscene. Just photos you wouldn’t want to be published. Art-photographs. “No.” I’m only asking what you did without asking the other day. “No, no, no.” I know your game, I said. “What I did then was wrong. I did it, I did it out of despair that there is nothing between us except meanness and suspicion and hate. This is different. It’s vile.”
20 “She’s always been my mother I’ve hated or been ashamed of. I have never given her enough sympathy.I haven’t given her this year half the consideration I have given the beastly creature upstairs just. I feel that I could overwhelm her with love now.” “Minny and I have often despised D for putting up with her. We ought to go down on our knees to him..”
21 1) “Short and broad and broad-faced with a hook-nose; even a bit Turkish. Not really English looking at all. I have this silly notion about English good looks. Advertisement men.” 2) “If I had a fairy godmother, please make him 20 years younger and please make him physically attractive to me.”
22 “I hate the uneducated and the ignorant. I hate all ordinary dull little people who aren’t ashamed of being dull and little. I hate whar GP calls the New People, the new class-people with their cars and money and theor tellies and thier stupid vulgarities. The new People are still poor. Theirs is a new form of poverty. The others hadn’t any money and these have not any soul."
23 1) “About what I did, undressing her, when I thought after, I saw it wasn’t so bad, not many would have kept control of themselves, just taken photos.” 2) " I don’t know what it was, it got me excited, it gave me ideas,seeing her lying there right out. It was like I’d shown who was really the master.”
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