Fichas Verbos inglés presente, pasado y participio (131)


131 verbos en inglés en infinitivo, pasado y participio
Flashcards by JOWANI BELLO MELO, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by JOWANI BELLO MELO over 9 years ago
Copied by JOWANI BELLO MELO over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
amaze Pasado: amazed Participio: amazed
answer Pasado: answered Participio: answered
appear Pasado: appeared Participio: appeared
arrive Pasado: arrived Participio: arrived
ask Pasado: asked Participio: asked
be Pasado: was/were Participio: been
become Pasado: became Participio: become
begin Pasado: began Participio: begun
believe Pasado: believed Participio: believed
break Pasado: broke Participio: broken
buy Pasado: bought Participio: bought
call Pasado: called Participio: called
can Pasado: could Participio: ------
check Pasado: checked Participio: checked
choose Pasado: chose Participio: chosen
circle Pasado: circled Participio: circled
clean Pasado: cleaned Participio: cleaned
climb Pasado: climbed Participio: climbed
come Pasado: came Participio: come
complete Pasado: completed Participio: completed
cook Pasado: cooked Participio: cooked
copy Pasado: copied Participio: copied
correct Pasado: corrected Participio: corrected
dance Pasado: danced Participio: danced
decide Pasado: decided Participio: decided
dive Pasado: dove, dived Participio: dived
do Pasado: did Participio: done
donate Pasado: donated Participio: donated
draw Pasado: drew Participio: drawn
dress Pasado: dressed Participio: dressed
drive Pasado: drove Participio: driven
eat Pasado: ate Participio: eaten
express Pasado: expressed Participio: expressed
fall Pasado: fell Participio: fallen
feel Pasado: felt Participio: felt
find Pasado: found Participio: found
finish Pasado: finished Participio: finished
follow Pasado: followed Participio: followed
forget Pasado: forgot Participio: forgotten
get Pasado: got Participio: gotten
get ready Pasado: got ready Participio: gotten ready
get tired Pasado: got tired Participio: gotten tired
get up Pasado: got up Participio: gotten up
give Pasado: gave Participio: given
go Pasado: went Participio: gone
guess Pasado: guessed Participio: guessed
happen Pasado: happened Participio: happened
hate Pasado: hated Participio: hated
have Pasado: had Participio: had
have fun Pasado: had fun Participio: had fun
hear Pasado: heard Participio: heard
help Pasado: helped Participio: helped
imagine Pasado: imagined Participio: imagined
introduce Pasado: introduced Participio: introduced
jump Pasado: jumped Participio: jumped
know Pasado: knew Participio: known
laugh Pasado: laughed Participio: laughed
learn Pasado: learned Participio: learned
learn by heart Pasado: learned by heart Participio: learned by heart
leave Pasado: left Participio: left
let Pasado: let Participio: let
like Pasado: liked Participio: liked
link Pasado: linked Participio: linked
listen Pasado: listened Participio: listened
live Pasado: lived Participio: lived
look Pasado: looked Participio: looked
look back Pasado: looked back Participio: looked back
loose Pasado: loosed Participio: loosed
lose Pasado: lost Participio: lost
love Pasado: loved Participio: loved
make Pasado: made Participio: made
match Pasado: matched Participio: matched
may Pasado: might Participio: -------
meet Pasado: met Participio: met
need Pasado: needed Participio: needed
notice Pasado: noticed Participio: noticed
organize Pasado: organized Participio: organized
own Pasado: owned Participio: owned
perform Pasado: performed Participio: performed
plan Pasado: planned Participio: planned
play Pasado: played Participio: played
practice Pasado: practiced Participio: practiced
prepare Pasado: prepared Participio: prepared
prove Pasado: proved Participio: proved
put Pasado: put Participio: put
quit Pasado: quit Participio: quit
read Pasado: read Participio: read
relax Pasado: relaxed Participio: relaxed
remember Pasado: remembered Participio: remembered
repeat Pasado: repeated Participio: repeated
ride Pasado: rode Participio: ridden
run Pasado: ran Participio: run
save Pasado: saved Participio: saved
say Pasado: said Participio: said
scream Pasado: screamed Participio: screamed
search Pasado: searched Participio: searched
see Pasado: saw Participio: seen
sell Pasado: sold Participio: sold
share Pasado: shared Participio: shared
show Pasado: showed Participio: showed, shown
sit Pasado: sat Participio: sat
ski Pasado: skied Participio: skied
smile Pasado: smiled Participio: smiled
speak Pasado: spoke Participio: spoken
spend Pasado: spent Participio: spent
stand Pasado: stood Participio: stood
start Pasado: started Participio: started
stay Pasado: stayed Participio: stayed
study Pasado: studied Participio: studied
surf Pasado: surfed Participio: surfed
surprise Pasado: surprised Participio: surprised
swim Pasado: swam Participio: swum
talk Pasado: talked Participio: talked
tell Pasado: told Participio: told
think Pasado: thought Participio: thought
tire Pasado: tired Participio: tired
to be born Pasado: was/were born Participio: been born
travel Pasado: travelled Participio: travelled
try Pasado: tried Participio: tried
underline Pasado: underlined Participio: underlined
understand Pasado: understood Participio: understood
use Pasado: used Participio: used
visit Pasado: visited Participio: visited
walk Pasado: walked Participio: walked
want Pasado: wanted Participio: wanted
watch Pasado: watched Participio: watched
wear Pasado: wore Participio: worn
win Pasado: won Participio: won
work Pasado: worked Participio: worked
worry Pasado: worried Participio: worried
write Pasado: wrote Participio: written
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