Vocabulário - Verbos


Vocabulário de verbos em inglês.
Flashcards by michaelfdias, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by michaelfdias over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
to love amar
to want querer
to kiss beijar
to sleep dormir
to eat comer
to drink beber
to see ver / olhar
to travel viajar
to do fazer
to make preparar
to walk andar / caminhar
to play jogar / brincar / tocar
to run correr
to watch assistir
to cook cozinhar
to paint pintar
to open abrir
to close fechar
to study estudar
to learn aprender
to know saber
to write escrever
to read ler
to like gostar / curtir
to pay pagar
to buy comprar
to sell vender
to swim nadar
to dream sonhar
to say dizer
to speak falar
to talk conversar
to tell contar
to think pensar / achar
to believe acreditar
to arrive chegar
to ask pedir / perguntar
to be ser / estar
to begin começar / iniciar
to break quebrar
to bring trazer
to call chamar / telefonar
to choose escolher
to clean limpar
to drive dirigir
to fall cair
to feel sentir
to find achar / encontrar
to finish acabar / terminar
to fly voar
to follow seguir
to forget esquecer
to go ir
to give dar / doar
to grow crescer / cultivar
to have ter
to help ajudar
to dance dançar
to live viver
to come vir
to create criar
to wish desejar
to try tentar
to park estacionar
to agree concordar
to appear aparecer
to carry carregar
to work trabalhar
to complain reclamar
to accept aceitar
to hold segurar
to solve resolver
to lend emprestar
to leave sair
to start começar
to build construir
to save salvar
to wait esperar
to hope esperar
to spend gastar
to wash lavar
to sing cantar
to describe descrever
to imagine imaginar
to bake assar
to erase apagar
to boil ferver
to avoid evitar
to wear vestir
to use usar
to act agir
to draw desenhar
to answer responder
to take pegar / levar
to stop parar
to turn virar
to stay ficar
to sit sentar
to send enviar
to visit visitar
to let deixar / permitir
to jump pular / saltar
to look olhar / ver
to lose perder
to need precisar / necessitar
to marry casar
to miss perder / sentir falta
to cry chorar
to cut cortar
to copy copiar
to move mover
to rent alugar
to worry preocupar (-se)
to fix consertar
to show mostrar
to get obter / receber
to become tornar (-se)
to put colocar
to keep manter
to lie mentir
to bet apostar
to bite morder / picar
to bleed sangrar
to burn queimar
to fight lutar
to hide esconder
to trust confiar / crer
to teach ensinar
to explain explicar
to die morrer
to breathe respirar
to clap aplaudir
to kill matar
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