Language Techniques


GCSE English Flashcards on Language Techniques, created by Louise Tucker on 29/11/2020.
Louise Tucker
Flashcards by Louise Tucker, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Anna Wolski
Created by Anna Wolski over 8 years ago
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Louise Tucker
Copied by Louise Tucker over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Alliteration - The first letter of a word is repeated in the words that follow Eg. the cold, crisp, crust of clean, clear ice. - Effect: Memorable
Assonance - The same vowel sound is repeated but the consonants are different Eg. He passed her a sharp, dark glance - Effect: Memorable + emphasise topic
Colloquial - Language that used in speech with an informal meaning Eg. "chill", "out of this world" - Effect: Casual + Relaxed effect
Dialect - The version of language spoken by particular area Eg. Scots
Dissonance - A harsh combinations of sounds Eg. the clash, spew and slow - Effect: Catch reader's attention
Enjambment - A device used in poetry where a sentence continues beyond the of the line or verse - This technique is often used to maintain a sense of continuation from one stanza to another - Effect: Disrupts flow
Hyperbole - Exaggerating something for literary purposes which is not meant to be taken literally Eg. We gorged on the banquet of beans on toast - Effect: Emphasises point
Imagery - Similes, metaphors and personification; they all compare something 'real' with something 'imagined'
Irony - The humorous or sarcastic use of words or ideas, implying the opposite of what they mean
Metaphor - A word or phrase used to imply figurative, not literal or 'actual Eg. He flew into the room - Effect: Visualize connection
Onomatopoeia - A word that sounds like the noise it is describing Eg. 'splash', 'bang', 'pop' - Effect: Emphasise emotion
Oxymoron - Where two words normally not associated are brought together Eg. 'cold heat', 'bitter sweet' - Effect: Emphasise meaning
Pathos, Logos + Ethos - Language that evokes feelings of: - Emotion - Logic - Ethics
Personification - Giving an inanimate object human qualities Eg. 'the moon calls me' - Effect: Reader can relate
Repetition - Repeating a word or phrase Eg. 'Really, really' - Effect: Memorable + emphasise purpose
Rhyme Eg. 'heat', 'beat' - Effect: Memorable
Simile - Phrase which establishes similarity between 2 objects Eg. 'as white as snow', 'like a burning star' - Effect: Reader can create image
Parataxis - A List Eg. eggs, flour and sugar
Triadic Structure - Rule of 3 Eg. cold, wet and tired - Effect: More interest
AFOREST A - Alliteration, anecdotes F - Facts O - Opinions R - Repetition, Rhetorical Question E - Exaggeration S - Statistics, Structure T - Triadic Structure
Caesura - Punctuation in the middle of a line Eg. 'Come into the garden, Fred.' - Effect: Contrast of ideas, Disruption
Anadiplosis - Sentence is started with the word the last sentence ended with Eg. '...was cold. Cold is harsh' - Effect: Emphasise word
Rhetorical Question - Question that doesn't need an answer Eg. 'Do you ever feel like the world is closing in on you?' - Effect: Feel in involved + grab attention
Statistics - Use of figures Eg. "millions" - Effects - adds credibility
Polysyndeton - deliberate use of 'and' - eg. he ran and jumped and laughed for joy - Effects - slows pace, emphasis
Focus STRUCTURAL: This is what the writer focuses on as the text develops
Shift in focus STRUCTURAL: Changes in ideas and perspectives, e.g outside to inside
Contrast STRUCTURAL: Difference in character/setting/ideas
Opening STRUCTURAL: The start of a text and how it interests the reader
Pace STRUCTURAL: The feeling of speed in the writing - are events and ideas revealed to the reader slowly or quickly?
Temporal Reference References to Time
Dialogue STRUCTURAL: Conversation and Speech - how does dialogue move the text forward?
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