

Baralho de FlashCards para auxiliar no reconhecimento de cientistas importantes para as áreas de Química e Física
Midas Smith
Flashcards by Midas Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Midas Smith
Created by Midas Smith almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ernest Rutherford
Niels Bohr
Erwin Schröndiger
Werner Heisenberg
Louis De Broglie
Paul Dirac
Max Planck
Wolfgang Pauli
John Dalton
Joseph John Thomson
James Chadwick
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie
Richard Feynman
Enrico Fermi
Robert Oppenheimer
Max Born
Paul Ehrenfest
Hendrik Lorentz
Arthur Compton
Nikola Tesla
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Chemistry, Models of atomic structure...
abbie Fitzpatrick
Ria A
McKinley Grant
McKinley Grant
HSC Scientists
Thomas Lewis
Science notes
Bella Rosario
The History of the Atomic Theory
Kate Carlos
Project Scope Management Process
Market & Technology Dynamics
Tris Stindt
2PR101 1.test - 7. část
Nikola Truong
Chapter 16: The Cold War
Becca Strobbe
Celiac Disease
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