Chapter 12 (Text Processing)


Computer Science Flashcards on Chapter 12 (Text Processing), created by Andrew Lewis on 14/12/2020.
Andrew Lewis
Flashcards by Andrew Lewis, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrew Lewis
Created by Andrew Lewis over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
In pseudocode, how would you display the first character in the string variable "str"? Display str[0]
In pseudocode, how would you display the last character in the string variable "str"? Display str[length(str) - 1]
In pseudocode, how would you use the insert function to change "berry" to "blackberry" for the string variable "str"? insert(str, 0, "black")
In pseudocode, how would you use the delete function to change "Redmond" to "Red" for the string variable "str"? delete(str, 3, 6)
What will the following pseudocode result in? Declare String name = "Sall" Set name [4] = "y" An error will occur.
Using a subscript to access a specific character of a string is known as _____. Subscript Notation
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