New ideas (Unit 4)


Business English 1
Gjylferije Murat
Flashcards by Gjylferije Murat, updated more than 1 year ago
Gjylferije Murat
Created by Gjylferije Murat over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
appropriate angebracht - suitable, acceptable, or correct for the particular circumstances
bring (sth) about verursachen - to make sth happen
bring (sth) down herabsetzen - to reduce sth
canvas Zelttuch - a strong heavy rough material used for matking tents, sails, etc.
carry (sth) out etw. ausführen - to do and complete a task
cement Zement - a grey poweder that sets hard when it is mixed with water, used in building to stick bricks together and to make very hard surfaces
come up with bereitstellen - to find or produce an answer, a sume of money, etc.
commercially-viable proposition gewerblich, funktionierender Antrag - a business ideathat is good enough to be successful and make money
concrete handfest - made of concrete (= a building material that is made by mixing together cement and water)
contract Vertrag - an official written agreement
cutting-edge technology Spitzentechnologie - the newest or most advanced technological machinery, equipment, or knowledge
delicious köstlich - having a very pleasant taste
demonstrate demonstrieren - to show sth clearly by actions or by giving proof
dung Mist - solid waste from animals, espacially from large ones
earthquake Erdbeben
enable ermöglichen - to make it possivle for sb to do sth
enhanced verbessert - improved, better than before
fertilizer Düngenmittel - a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully
get round etw. umgehen - to deal with a problem successfully
impressive beeindruckend - making you feel admiration, because of being very good, skillful, etc.
inflatable aufblasbar - needing to be filled with air or gas before you use it
innovative concept innovatives Konzept - an idea that is very new and has never been thought of before
inspire inspirieren - to give sb the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm to do sth well
insulation Isolierung - materials used to prevent heat, sound, electricity etc. from passing through sth
key feature Hauptmerkmal - a part of a thing that is particularly important, interesting, or typical
major advantage Hauptvorteil - an important quality of sth that makes it better or more useful than sth else
patent Patent - an official right to be the only person to make, use, or sell a product
pay off auszahlen - to be successful and bring good results
pitch Verkaufsgespräch - talk or argument used by a person trying to sell things or persuade people to do sth
policy Strategie / Richtlinien - a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a busniess etc.
potential benefit Benefit potential - an advantage that sth may give you or a helpful and useful eccect that it may have
practical solution praktische Lösung - a sensible (vernünftige) way of solving a problem, that is likely to be successful
R & D Forschung + Entwicklung - the part of a business whose work is to find new products and processes or to improve existing ones, Research and Development
radical radikal - new, different, and likely to have a great effect
raise awareness Bewusstsein schaffen - to help peole know that sth exists and is important
refrigeration Kühlung - the process of keeping food etc. cold so that is stays fresh
refugee Flüchtling - a person who has been forced to leave rheir country or home because there is a war or for political, relgious or social reasouns
remote fern - far away from places where other people live
revolutionary idea revolutionäre Idee - an idea that is new and that involves a great or complete change
rigid unbeweglich - stiff an difficult to move or bend
set up - to startk sth such as a business
specification Spezifikation - a detailed description of how sth is, or should be, designed or made
state-of-the-art hochmodern - characterized by the most modern or advanced techniques or methods
sustainable nachhaltig - involving the use of natural prducts and energy in a way that does not harm the environment
take (sth) forward vorantreiben - to help sth to progress towards a good result
take (sth) down herunternehmen / reduzieren - to accept sth that is offered or available
tank Behälter - a large container for holding liquid or gas
technological breakthrough Technologie-Durchbruch - an important development in technology that may lead to an achievement
turbines Windräder - machines that receive power from a wheel that is turned by the pressure of water, air or gas
unique einzigartig
vaccine Impfstoff
vibration Vibration
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