Digestive System


Biology Flashcards on Digestive System, created by Lilian Vieyra on 09/06/2015.
Lilian Vieyra
Flashcards by Lilian Vieyra, updated more than 1 year ago
Lilian Vieyra
Created by Lilian Vieyra over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Overview 5-6m long -GUT: Hollow tube open at both ends (mouth and anus) -GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine & large intestine. -ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: teeth, tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder
Nutrition Metabolic process that allows organisms to obtain energy
Extrecellular Digestion Mechanic & Chemical
Cellular Digestion It occurs in animals lacking digestive system
Buccal Cavity ~Mechanical digestion begings by chewing ~The salivary glands secrete amylase beginning with carbohydrate metabolism ~The bolus formed is swallowed & passes through the pharynx ~Taste transduction signals for proper digestion
Mucosa's components Permeable coating epithelium LAMINA PROPRIA: glands, blood vessels, lymphatic tissue MUSCLE TISSUE: smooth muscle cells
Mucosa's Functions Protection Absortion Secretion
Stomach Where metabolism of proteins begins Covered by epithelial tissue Parts: cardia, fudus, body, pylovus, antrum
Stomach -Muscular cavity where peristalsis begins -Pepsin & hydrochloric acid are secretedin from the stomach wall -It's lined by gladuñar epithelial tissue -It's between 1000 & 1500cm^3 capacity
Small Intestine Coiled tube of 2.5 cm diameter & 6 m long Intestinal villi is located in epithelial cells of the intestine
Small Intestine Beginning & End Begins in the duodenum in the final part of the stomach Ends at the ileocecal junction where the large intestine stars
Small Intestine Function Digestion & absorption of food
Intestine wall conssts of 3 layers Muscularis mucosa Lamina A third layer in the interior or lumen of the small intestine
Liver -Organ & the largest gland in the human body -Remove harmful substances from blood -Secretes bile (helps digest food, filter harmful chemicals)
Pancreas Glandular organ that produces endocrine and exocrine secretions Endocrine function: insulin & glocagon Exocrine function: pancreatic juice comprises amylase, lipase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidases & nucleases (metabolizan)
Large Intestine Absorptive function: water & electrolytes (chief fuction of colon) Secretory function Synthesis function Storage function: unwanted substances from faeces are stored in pelvic colon
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