5th Gr. History Unit 7 Flash Cards


World War II
Jenny Johnson
Flashcards by Jenny Johnson, updated more than 1 year ago
Jenny Johnson
Created by Jenny Johnson over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Prime minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill
losing U.S. Commander in the Philippines; winner in New Guinea; military governor of Japan Douglas MacArthur
successful U.S. field general; slapped two soldiers George Patton
British General Bernard Montgomery
Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin
U.S. President who decided to use the atomic bomb on Japan Harry S. Truman
U.S. President blamed for the Great Depression Herbert Hoover
German dictator Adolf Hitler
U.S. President at the beginning of World War II; New Deal Franklin D. Rooselvelt
supreme Allied commander for the major invasions of Europe; U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower
the American strategy in the Pacific was called Island Hopping
World War II began when Germany invaded Poland
World War II ended when the U.S. dropped _________ on Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs
the U.S. got into World War II when ________ attacked ___________ Japan; Pearl Harbor
The Great Depression ended when _________ began World War II
At the worst of the Great Depression, ________ out of _______ people were out of work 1 out of 4
The turning point of the war in the Pacific was at the battle for __________ Island Midway
The big mistake made by Nazi Germany's leader during World War II was to invade __________ without preparing for winter fighting the Soviet Union
On D-Day the allies invaded ____________ Normandy, France
The American project to build an atomic bomb was called the __________ Project Manhatten
First naval battle in history in which the ships did not see each other was at the Battle of the __________ Sea Coral
The murder of millions of innocent people, especially Jews, in Nazi Germany was called the ___________ Holocaust
The turning point of the war in Europe was at the battle for the city of ___________ Stalingrad
The first place invaded by the Americans in the war in Europe (Operation Torch) was ____________ North Africa
The American bombing attack on Tokyo by bombers that took off from aircraft carriers and crashed in China was called ___________ Raid Doolittle's
The popular public works program for young men that planted trees and built roads during the Great Depression was called the ____________ Civilian Conservation Corp
The U.S. plan to give the Allies what they needed to win the war, even when the U.S. was still neutral was called ______________ Lend-Lease
The Axis nation that tried to surrender when it was first invaded, but Germany prevented it was ___________ Italy
The association of nations created after World II is called ____________ United Nations
Association of nations that could not stop aggression before World War II was the _____________ League of Nations
True/False? The American home front helped a lot in winning World War II by producing goods and supplies quickly True
True/False? The fight to get supplies to Europe past the German submarines was called the Transport Battle False
True/False? The U.S. was able to defend the Philippines against the Japanese for the whole war False
True/False? Germany and the Soviet Union made a treaty in 1939 and agreed to divide Poland between themselves True
True/False? France was conquered and most of it occupied Germany in World War II True
True/False? The Dust Bowl was the German attack on Great Britain False
True/False? Much of the British Army was rescued from France by hundreds of boats at Calais False
True/False? German warfare in World War II was blitzkreig, which used speed and surprise True
True/False? Japanese soldiers fought to the death on the Pacific Islands True
True/False? Nothing was done to punish the leaders of Nazi Germany False
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