OCR GCSE - Computer Science - Paper 1 - System Architecture


GCSE Computing Flashcards on OCR GCSE - Computer Science - Paper 1 - System Architecture, created by Malachy Moran-Tun on 06/04/2021.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Flashcards by Malachy Moran-Tun, updated more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Created by Malachy Moran-Tun over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the Purpose of the CPU? > Process data and instructions via the fetch-decode-execute cycle > Control the rest of the computer system and its hardware
What is the Von Neumann Architecture? > Model for a modern computer > Data and instructions stored as binary > Processor decodes and executes the data and instructions > Processor cycles around to fetch the next data and instructions
What does the Program Counter do? Holds the memory address of the next instruction that will be fetched from RAM
What does the Memory Address Register (MAR) do? > Holds the address of the current instruction that will be fetched from RAM or > Holds the address in memory where data will be transferred to
What does the Memory Data Register (MDR) do? > Holds the data found at the memory address from the MAR or > Holds the data which will be transferred to RAM
What does the Current Instruction Register (CIR) do? Holds the current instruction that is being decoded and executed
What does the Accumulator do? Holds the data being processed and the results of the processing
What does the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) do? Calculates / processes mathematical operations and returns them in the accumulator
What are the Stages of the Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle? 1. Memory Address in the Program Counter is transferred tot he MAR 2. Program Counter is Increased by 1 3. Processor sends a Signal along the Address Bus to the Memory Address in the MAR 4. Data / Instructions from the Memory are sent to the MDR through a data bus 5. Data / Instructions in the MDR is copied to the CIR 6. Data / Instructions are Decoded and Executed, which are then stored in the Accumulator 7. Cycle Repeats
What is the Clock Speed of a CPU? How many Fetch-Decode-Execute cycles the CPU can Run per Second (measured in Hz)
What is the Cache of a CPU? > Special register in the CPU > Holds frequently used data / instructions > Rids the need to fetch data from the RAM
What is a Core? > Part of the CPU > Capable of fetching, decoding, and executing instructions > Multiple cores allow for simultaneous fetch-decode-execute cycles
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