Tectonics- EQ1, Key idea 3


EQ1: Why are some locations more at risk from tectonic hazards? Key idea 3: Physical processes explain the causes of tectonic hazards.
Qashrina Collier
Flashcards by Qashrina Collier, updated more than 1 year ago
Qashrina Collier
Created by Qashrina Collier over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Seismic (Earthquake) waves Primary (P)- Vibrates in direction of travel, travels through solids. Secondary (S)- Vibrates at right angle to direction of travel, travels through solid rocks. Love (L)- Rolling motion so creates vertical ground movement.
Secondary hazards of Earthquakes: Liquefaction Affects poorly compacted sand and silt. ● Water moisture within soil separates from soil particles and rises to surface. ● Causes soil to behave like liquid, which can cause building subsidence or landslides.
Secondary hazards of Earthquakes: Landslides Shaking by earthquake can weaken cliffs, hills & snow material. ● Unconsolidated material or loose rocks collapse & move down slope. ● Risk varies with topography rainfall, soil and land use.
Volcanoes: Lava flows, Pyroclastic flows, ash falls, gas eruptions Pyroclastic flow- Mix of hot rock, lava, ash, gases that move quick along earth surface. Ash falls- Pieces of volcanic rock/ash blasted into air. Gas eruptions- dangerous gas like carbon monoxide released into atmosphere.
Secondary hazards of Volcanoes: Lahars Combo of rock/mud/water which travel quickly down sides of volcanoes. Can occur when heat of eruption melts snow/ice or if eruption coincides w/ heavy rainfall.
Secondary hazards of Volcanoes: Jokulhlaup Snow and ice in glaciers melt after an eruption which causes sudden floods that are very dangerous.
How does a tsunami occur? Oceanic crust jolted in earthquake, all water above plate displaced up. Water pulled down by gravity. Energy transferred into water, travels like wave through it. Gets closer to coast, sea level decreases so friction between sea bed and waves. Waves slow down & gain height, average 10ft.
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