Phrasal Verbs #9


phrasal verbs
Flashcards by rosalia.m.c.louc, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Eduardo .
Created by Eduardo . about 9 years ago
Copied by rosalia.m.c.louc about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
catch on se tornar moda, popular *I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people.
run out esgotar, acabar *Time is running out *The milk has run out.
draw up preparar algo por escrito, lavrar algo *He drew up some plans for the new office.
turn over virar, no sentido de derrubar: *In their struggle, they turned over the table.
stand still ficar parado: *Sit still so I can brush your hair.
get along se dar bem, no sentido de viver em paz, em harmonia *Karen and Dianne don’t get along.
straight out algo dito de modo direto e honesto *I told her straight out that I didn't love her any more.
get away escapar, fugir *You can´t be rude to everyone and wait to get away with it
how often Com que frequencia *how often we see that same sort of people?
deal with lidar com (alguma coisa ou alguém) *She's used to dealing with difficult customers
set up constituir algo, estabelecer algo, formar algo *He has just set up his own company.
get off descer (de algo) *We should get off at the next stop.
get through terminar, acabar, finalizar *She got through the first test without too much trouble.
freak out ficar doido, perder o juízo *Here in Texas they freak out when there’s snow on the ground. *Her latest album just freaked me out.
back up apoio, suporte *he did that in order to back up his theories *My family backed me up in my fight for compensation.
blacked out apaguei *I was so tired that night that I blacked out
back off recuar *you have two choices: maintain the serum levels or back off a little *She started to criticize me, then she suddenly backed off.
back down voltar atrás (de uma opinião, posição) *Eventually, Roberto backed down and apologized.
went through passar por algo (momento difícil) *She’s going through a difficult time with her job.
take after someone parecer-se com alguém, puxar a alguém *Peter’s very tall – he takes after his father. *She takes after her mother.
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